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Weekend Mailbag: Jim Wyatt Answers Questions From Titans Fans Heading Into Monday's Game vs the Dolphins


NASHVILLE – And, we're on to Miami.

The Dolphins, that is, on Monday Night Football.

There's plenty to talk about as we get geared up.

Let's go…

Here's the link to submit questions: CLICK HERE

Filip Vukovic from Spreitenbach, Switzerland
Question: I don't think I'm saying anything new when I say it was very disappointing. But I think it was just a bad game Sunday from everyone and not that we have a bad team. This is a team sport and even if everyone plays just 1% worse it adds up to what we saw Sunday. We could have won the first two games which is why it's all the more frustrating. My question from your experience, Jim, how are the boys going to get out of this when doubts are probably coming from all sides? And my second question is, isn't it perhaps time for Ran to face the media? I don't mean to justify himself, but to cover the boys and the young coach's back? I think to hear his view would help to keep people together and to preach patience. I have patience and trust in that organization and team but looking to some of the fan base and comments it looks like armaggedon.

Jim: Hello Filip. Good to hear from you, from Switzerland. There is a lot of negativity swirling. I see it on social media, hear it on talk radio, and read it in here. The only way to get out of it is by winning. The players – and head coach – keep saying this week "no one is going to come save us," and that's true. If the Titans are going to turn it around, it's going to have to be done by the coaches and players currently on the team.The next chance comes on Monday night in Miami. As for Ran needing to face the media, most GMs let the head coach handle media in season, and their time is the offseason. This is not unusual. I don't know what Ran needs to say at this point, after three games. I suspect he probably thinks the team should be 2-1 right now. But he sure as heck isn't going to say that.

Wayne Dale from St Libory, Illinois
Question: Well Jim I am sure the mailbag will be very fun this week. All the same questions calling for Levis to go away, heck I even saw "fire the while coaching staff" on social media. It's been a bad start to the season and the chances of the playoffs are pretty slim. I hope they can bring things together and get the team moving in a positive direction.
My question for you is what do you think the biggest issue is with the offense at this point? Obviously, Levis has had some turnover issues but with the type of QB he is I think the Coach is correct in saying he isn't too worried about them as long as he can limit them (Which he needs to). I think right now it is the O-Line. They are not playing great. Do you think they turn it around? I know we have a great O-Line coach but it seems for some reason the O-Line just continues to be an issue year after year at this point. Even with 2 high picks and investing in a good center.

Jim: The biggest issue with the offense? The problem is, it's hard to name one. So, I'll list a few: The offensive line has struggled, especially in pass protection. The quarterback has turned the ball over too much. Other than the first half in Chicago, the running game hasn't consistently produced, and it's put the team in too many long down-and-distance situations. That's three.

Terry Anderson from Edmonton, Kentucky
Question: Hello Jim hope all is well. Veteran leadership in the huddle on offense is very much needed in Tennessee right now. I believe the rookie quarterback and a rookie head coach a lot of green so to speak. I believe Levis has potential but it's going to take time. I hope he doesn't get discouraged. It lines up with Mariota. New coach or coordinator every year. Bring in Flacco or another veteran who was starter. Don't have to great just have to know. Maybe we should get Russell Wilson and allow Levis to learn from a veteran with experience better than Tannehill. I just want a better product on the field than the crap we have to watch now. In your opinion what is the problem in Nashville?

Jim: See above on the offense. Defensively, the unit needs to play better than it did vs the Packers as well (when the team had 15 missed tackles), and guys need to start creating turnovers. It seems like there's at least one bad mistake on special teams each week. There are a lot of reasons why the team is 0-3. We're three questions in and I've named six so far.

Ronald Murray from Nashville, Tennessee
Question: I am a founder of the Titans, and I have been a PSL owner since the team became the Titans. I also was a season ticket holder for the Tennessee Oilers when the team moved to Nashville and played at Vandy.
This is not really a question, but a request. I have been listening to sports radio and others talking about how bad the Titans are...with no hope for this season. I disagree. Please consider passing on this note to the head coach and/or owner.
The situation the Titans are in brings back memories I have of the Washington Redskins the first year Joe Gibbs came in as head coach. The San Diego Chargers had a dynamic offense with Dan Fouts as QB, and Joe Gibbs as offensive coordinator. Washington had been an old-fashioned run-first offense that wanted a more dynamic approach. (Sound familiar?)
Gibbs had never been a head coach, but he came in and tried to bring the San Diego offense with him. Joe Theisman was not Dan Fouts, and the rest of the team's personnel didn't fit the San Diego offense, either. They lost their first 5 games, and the owner considered firing Gibbs, but he remained patient.
Joe Gibbs decided he needed to change the offense to take advantage of the strengths of his players. The team quickly turned around and played well the rest of the season. The next year, Washington won the Super Bowl. Gibbs is now the only coach to win three Super Bowls with three different quarterbacks (none of the 3 QB's considered a superstar).
I feel our team's owner should show patience, and our coach should consider what the strengths are of our offensive players and adjust accordingly. In particular, if the offensive line cannot block effectively, let's emphasize short, quick passing, particularly over the middle, and be more creative in the running game. If you look back at our loss to the Jets, we had them scrambling all over in the early part of the first half. Then, Rodgers began making short, quick passes to overcome the pass rush pressure. It worked.
Also, perhaps our owner and head coach should contact Joe Gibbs as a consultant on how to most effectively make use of a team's offensive talent. I can't think of anyone else who would be a better advisor for the current situation

Jim: Good perspective, Ronald. Thanks for taking the time.

Steve Scharf from Ottawa, Ontario
Question: Hi Jim. Another week another loss. I am upset with the results so far as I'm sure most of the fan base is. But the thing I'm most upset about is believing all the hype we kept reading in the various groups, boards, etc. We have a new coaching staff, several big-name signings, a GM that was putting his stamp on the new team, etc. Everything we have been screaming for for the last few years. This year will be so different. It just hasn't worked so far.
I believe several of the needed parts are in place. Obviously the weak areas have been quite evident. What we don't have going our way right now is everyone being on the same page. The offence and the defence have not gelled. The coaching staff is learning and seeing what they have. This is something that will take time. You can have all the talent in the world but it takes time to make things happen. This is a rebuilding year even if we don't want to hear, or admit it. I still have trust in our GM's vision. As difficult as it has been to accept what we've witnessed so far, I'm prepared to be patient and hope for continued improvement.

Jim: Hope all is well in Ottawa, Steve. And while I agree with some of this, the Titans are still good enough to be winning games right now.

Travis Berry from Charlotte, North Carolina
Question: Hi Jim. I know you'll do what you normally do and avoid this question like you normally do to questions that question your competence. However I have to say it sure felt like all off-season through training camp you tried to make it feel like Rudolph was the star and destroying malik for the backup role. Almost felt like you were trying to push a narrative. If not that, then the coaches/management were stupid for picking a career backup (with no upside potential) over Malik who continued to improve every year and never got a fair shot. Great coaches adapt their system to the players they got instead of trying to force players into a system that don't fit their skillset.
Also you blindly defend Bill Callahan based on what?! Pretty embarrassing that the coaches haven't taken any accountability. You would agree that our OLine personnel has vastly improved yet their performance is just as bad if not worse than last year?? At what point is Bill Callahan to blame? Maybe he needs to hang it up?
Don't expect you to respond 🤷‍♂️

Jim: I have no problem responding to this. I've received much more challenging questions, Trav. I wasn't "pushing a narrative" - Mason Rudolph did outperform Malik Willis in camp. He completed 80 percent of his passes (compared to 65 percent for Malik), threw just two interceptions in 157 passes (compared to four INTs in 139 for Malik) and he was consistently better as he regularly worked with the 2s. I know this because I was at every practice, not in Charlotte, North Carolina. If you don't believe it, go ahead and ask some others who were actually at training camp. I've said in here I could make a case Mason outperformed Levis in camp, but it's really hard to judge completely because Levis was working with the 1s and they were put in different situations. All of this, of course, has absolutely nothing to do with how Malik played on Sunday – he played great. As for you trying to blame renowned o-line guru Bill Callahan for the o-line issues, I had to shake my head at this. I guess I'm "blindly" defending him based on his 22 years of coaching o-linemen and the 14 linemen under his tutelage who've been selected to a total of 35 Pro Bowls. I'll be honest, Travis – if you'd led with that take, I probably wouldn't have responded, because I wouldn't have wasted my time reading the rest. I'm actually surprised someone would actually write in, with their real name attached, suggesting it. Bless your heart.

John London from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Question: Good morning Jim, my question is this: Why not bench Will Levis to see what Rudolph can do? Rudolph beat out Willis and Willis led the Packers to victory over the Titans. Maybe the coach can vindicate himself if Rudolph can give the Titans a victory. Could it be the line is demoralized because Will gave away the first two games and they are not motivated to do their best for him?

Jim: Hey John. I'm getting more and more of these. I actually think folks around here have a good idea of what Mason can do. But, as I've said before, this season was always going to also be about finding out what Will can do. No one wants to pull the plug after three games. How much time will they give him? I don't know the answer to that question. As for the notion that the o-linemen won't do their best for Will, and I've seen this suggested by others well, there's no possibility this is a real scenario. If you're not motivated to perform in the NFL, you're not going to be in the NFL very long.

Finn Taylor from Aspen, Colorado
Question: The biggest surprise to me last Sunday was tackling or a lack there of. The many other problematic things are obvious but seem to hit at once for this game.
Can we get more talent on the oline during the season? Are there players out there that have played for Bill or Brian who could come in and be a quick study?
Thanks for your balanced and level-headed responses to our questions.

Jim: No doubt, Finn. Tackling was terrible vs the Packers.
I always say this about guys not on rosters: They're not on a roster for a reason. I guess someone could be plucked off another team's practice squad, but nothing happened this week.

Joshua LeBlanc from Navarre, Florida
Question: Jim, after reading some of the posts from the 24th, I would like to point something out more than ask a question. My son (Noah) and I have agreed to give this team till 6 games played before we actually judge anything from a fan's perspective. I watch every game as all fans do with the hope to win or at least show improvement. I saw the Green Bay game as a step in a better direction for most of the offense compared to the two previous games. The defense, well it happens, a game plan that didn't work, again it happens, it is the NFL. I believe in this franchise, this city, I was born here, and the ownership to bring a winning team to Nashville. The new coaching staff and current players, I feel, are key to this. All of the "jump ship" fans, you will look back and marvel at what this team will turn into. I would like to also point out, we have had some great years as the Titans, don't ever count them out. My son and I will continue to support this team no matter what. All of the true "TITANS FANS" stand by this franchise, city, and it's ownership, it will pay off and be awesome. Thanks Jim, for all that you have done and continued commitment to this team. TITAN UP!!!!! Oh and the one fan with season tickets who is no longer going to be a fan, I will take those tickets and proudly represent to every team that comes to OUR stadium!!

Jim: I like the spirit, Joshua!

Louis Almaguer from Marshall, Texas
Question: Hello Jim, hope you're having a great day. I'm a long time Oilers/ Titans fan from Marshall, Texas, I appreciate your articles and perspective as a long time writer for the Titans.
Some interesting things that I gleaned after crunching data from the first three games.
From the shotgun formation- there were 15 sacks, 3 interceptions and 24 incompletions through 3 games.
From under center there was 1 sack (on the 4th and 2 Run attempt by Levis vs, Packers)
2 interceptions and 1 incompletion through those same 3 games
The percentage of successful plays from under center as opposed to the shotgun formation have been significantly higher and safer (especially for the QB) from under center
I believe playing from under center gives the offensive line a good advantage and leverage to help them until they can improve and gain confidence on a consistent basis.
Just as the Coaches work to utilize schemes that help a young QB gain confidence and success, the same can be said for utilizing plays and formations to help a young offensive line gain confidence and success as well.
Shotgun formation (in my opinion and going by the data) should be limited until the QB and his offensive line can gain confidence and success on a consistent basis.
Let's face it we don't have a Peyton Manning, or Tom Brady out there yet.
I'm no offensive guru, just a couch observer from a little old hick town in Texas rooting for the Titans on a never ending basis, hope this is read GO TITANS!!!

Jim: Interesting stuff to think about, Louis. I know the team does a lot of self-scouting, and I'm sure the coaches are weighing options moving forward. But this is good perspective. Have a great day.

Brad Smith from Kent Island, Maryland
Question: Hey Jim. I know a ton of fans are upset and rightfully so. I have been a Oilers/Titan fan for 47 years and this is DEFINITELY one of the most frustrating starts, yet there are still 14 games left (thankfully). But 2 of the worse starts I can remember was 1993 and 2002 which we started both 1-4. Well,.in 1993 the Oilers won their last 11 to grab the #2 seed, subsequently losing in divisional round to KC and in 2002 we won the last 10 out of 11 and went on to the AFC Title game.,so all is not lost after only 3 games.
Also,.I see a ton of fans wanting to bench Levis already after only 12 games. Well let me remind folks that 3 QBs came right to mind that had worse 12 game starts and I won't give all the stats cuz you can easily Google them. Their names are John Elway (1983), Troy Aikman(1989) and Peyton Manning (1998),.who also broke the interception record with 33 that year,.all 3 ended up with multiple Super Bowls and Hall Of Fame careers,..let's not give up on the kid so early?,..just sayin'

Jim: I hear ya, Brad.

Charles Johns from Hermitage, Tennessee
Question: Jim, I'm not sure why so many people are shocked that the Titans are struggling early in the season. Most of us said that our goal this year is to try and improve the OL and play Levis all season to determine if he can be our franchise QB. I don't even think we have the players to fix the right side of the OL unless they can bring in another player or two. If we finish the season confident Levis is the guy, it was a productive year. If he's not, you can add at least another year to the rebuild. With over half the starters changing along with the coaching staff it requires playing games together before you start to figure it out. This was always going to be a year where making the playoffs would have been over achieving by a long shot. #TitanUp

Jim: Good to hear from you again, Charles.

Jeremy Jones from Maine
Question: Hey Jim, hope all is well. Long time no talk. I still have the flag you sent me a few years ago hanging up in my house. I was at the game Sunday and it was as miserable as sitting through that 59-0 game in 2009. It always seems that when it rains on the Titans it pours. Everything that can go wrong, goes wrong. My question is why does it always seem no matter what the Titans change from players, coaches and so on it just seems to be the same result? Like we know Willis wouldn't have had that performance here. This team always seems to get beat by back ups and never seem to take advantage of other teams weaknesses no matter who the staff and players are. Is there still a curse from stomping on the Terrible Towel in 2008? Was Nissan Stadium built on an ancient Indian burial ground? I just don't get it. How can we look so good on that first drive of the game then just look lost after? I have faith in the staff but it hasn't been good so far. Just seems to me like we never make adjustments.

Jim: I wish I could give you a great answer, Jeremy. Unfortunately, we're just in an extended bad stretch right now, with losses in 21 of the past 27 games dating back to the end of the 2022 season. I just know the team desperately needs to win, and give fans something to get excited about.

Barrett Sutton from Nashville, Tennessee
Question: Do you think we can win any games despite the ineptitude of our right tackle options?
I personally think Levis has great talent but needs to mature. He also has great receivers. As has been painfully obvious For 2 years, the worst pass blocking in the league will succeed only in getting your quarterback injured

Jim: Yes, but the right tackle position needs to improve.

DeAndre Hunter from Clarksville, Tennessee
Question: Hi Mr. Wyatt! Right now our JV team at the middle school is 3-1 ( we just lost our first away game), so I was hoping the Titans would win this Sunday, but we didn't. If we win out, we can be the best team in the league. And I think you guys can do it, but how will coach Callahan address the offensive and defensive issues. He's a good coach who will probably be here for a while, and we have a STACKED team, so we can make the playoffs. I'm looking forward to my name being called in the draft.
P.S. I took my dad's last name because he got me into football.

Jim: Congrats on the start to the season, DeAndre!

Tom Montesion from Roseland, New Jersey
Question: Hey Jim. Hope you are well & continued thanks for bringing us out of state fans all things Titans. Team is such a mess on progress right now that I wouldn't know which position question to ask so let's go with this while they sort that all out. We all know that Nashville is a destination city. And a great one at that! (been down for home games a few times) But is that truly why are we constantly outnumbered by opposing fans in our own stadium? It's so frequent that it often is referred to on NFL Facebook pages by other fans. It Has gone on for a long time & Seems to be the case even when the team isn't playing poorly. I know in the early days of the team playing in Nashville the stadium was packed with two tone blue. Now there just seems to be an overall lack of local support or interest. The Browns & Lions to name a few were league bottom dwellers for a ton of seasons yet their fans still packed the stadiums. Is it just that this franchise has had more disappointing seasons than good ones or is there really that little local interest in them to begin with ? Is there concern from ownership that this is going to continue in the new stadium as well or is this not something that matters? Overall, it's just disheartening & quite frankly embarrassing. Hopefully our fanbase gets back to what was. Until then, Titanup.

Jim: You raise fair questions, Tom. I answer questions from the fans, I can't answer for them. I, too, saw Packers fans take over Nissan Stadium on Sunday, and I couldn't help but wonder why more Titans fans didn't show up, or how these Packers fans ended up with so many tickets.

Rob Haye from Ontario, Canada
Question: Hi Jim. I thought I would give your Tuesday column a read before being one of those disheartened fans, who sat through that game on Sunday.
So being the armchair QB like many fans are, I really think this team went about free agency all wrong, and Malik Willis kind of proved that on Sunday.
This team has had a below average and probably the worst O line this season thus far. I get the O line is young, but this team spent a ton of money on all the KEY position players, WR / RB, with a Rookie QB, everyone knows it starts with the O line, and then you work outwards. We didn't need a RIDLEY, we had Hopkins already, that money alone could have gotten us some O line talent.
So how does anyone evaluate QB talent, when a QB is under siege, and yes he makes his own mistakes to compound the issue.
Malik played a couple of games behind that same poor O line and looked awful as well, but look at what he did on Sunday with an O line that could give a QB some time in the pocket.
Will Levis is never going to get a fair shake this year behind that O line, and everyone will just say he's not an NFL QB, if we had an average O line and he was making mistakes and losing games, that's a different story. Mason Rudolph is probably happy right now holding the clip board as opposed to going in and getting beaten up.
I would say as well the offensive play calling is not helping, if the O line can't block, roll the QB out of the pocket, give him some time and space, throw screen plays, just get rid of the ball quickly
Will has shown if given time, he can play the game, problem is he may not be around long enough to prove it, or alive for that matter.

Jim: Two from Ontario in here! Thanks for taking the time, Rob.

Patrick Rupp from Franklin, Wisconsin
Question: Jim, thanks for all you do on the ask Jim segment. I know Levis is off to a terrible start but no alot has been made of Jeff Simmons gaffes in judgment the last 2 weeks, why? A rebuild takes a few years to achieve with drafts and free agencies, so folks need to lower their expectations this year. Yes can they be better than the last few seasons, Sure but 8 wins would show progress. Lastly the right tackle and guard for this team is not on the current roster. Hopefully this doesn't cripple the quarterbacks growth.
Thank you
Patrick Rupp Wisconsin resident and non Packer fan

Jim: Jeffery Simmons isn't innocent in this, and he freely admits this. The penalty last week cost the team seven points. As for the right tackle and guard, most likely they are currently on the roster for 2024. What happens moving forward s a different story.

Chuy Cano from Corpus Christi, Texas
Question: :-( :-(.......ill do 1 more cuz we're 0-3 :-(. Like I said in last weeks mailbag Mr. Jim. What's it gonna take to put n Rudolph! I mean damn...this is already the 3rd week that Levis has had a interception & fumble. It's gotta b some type of record if this crap keeps happening! Props to Malik.....did awesome out there and u know he enjoyed this win against his former team. I just can't seem to c levis continuing n2 week 4 with THE SAME mistakes he had made n previous weeks. Now we have a prime time game against a banged up dolphins team....who just lost their backup qb. Wouldn't surprise me if they sign Mr. Tanny....and gets the W against Look at the panthers....benched young...put.n their 1st win...and he did great. Oh yea....King Henry tore it up against the cowboys...talking so much crap here since alot of people/friends r cowboy fans...haha.....but im pretty sure thinking the same thing to just saying need to change it up....and see what happens. Never know Rudolph maybe the breath of fresh air this teams needs! I just can't see us going 0-4...0-5. It can't happen with this much talent. What do u think Mr. Jim. TITAN UP all the way baby!!!

Jim: Hey Chuy. The team is riding with Will Levis. Coach Callahan hasn't even left open the possibility for a change. Levis needs to be better, but the team also needs to be better around him. I was really impressed with Mason Rudolph in camp. But if the line can't protect better than it has, Mason would have trouble succeeding himself.

Jim Williams from Lubbock, Texas
Question: Hi Jim. Bad loss to the Packers but there is still reason for hope. The pick six occurred on a quick timing route to Hopkins. That's the same pass they have thrown in the first quarter of the first two games. It's no wonder the DB was sitting on it. Other than that interception, Levis wasn't bad considering the miserable offensive line play. Callie needs to move the QB out of the pocket and not call so many straight drop backs. The play calling has to improve and not be so predictable. The defense can be much better if Arden Key can be taught to hold his edge and not let the ball carrier get past him. He gives up a lot of big plays by himself. Ran spent a lot of money on big name free agents and these guys have to play up to their abilities. If they can do that on Monday Night Football next week, the Titans will get their first win. Now for my question: Do you see any chance that Nick Holz might be given a chance to call the plays? Thanks, Jim

Jim: No.

Jim C from LaVergne, Tennessee
Question: More of an observation. 3-0 in preseason. Common denominator? Levis didn't play. Mason Rudolph and Malik Willis played the large majority of snaps. We traded one, won't play the other. What am I seeing that the coaching staff (who obviously know more football than I could ever hope to) isn't?

Jim: The preseason and regular season aren't the same, Jim, I promise.

Michael Miles Sr. from LaVergne, Tennessee
Question: Hi Jim good to read your program again this year. I can only hope in the coming week the people, like me, will be writing a better question. It was hard watching the cheese lovers beat us and even harder hearing on tv the people that were for the packers were louder than the Titan fans. In your last column you had a writer from Missouri make a comment about the Vanderbilt fans and how we never fill the house. True but some of us still support them . Now we need to support the Titans. We have a QB that spent way too much time on his butt this game and that is because we have a young line, give them time. I hate getting beat also but we still have 13 games left, support our team folks. Show the coaching staff we trust them.. thanks Jim

Jim: Back-to-back from LaVergne. Thanks for taking the time, Michael.

Richard Robles from Springfield, Tennessee
Question: Hi, Jim. Hopefully, the Tennessee Titans need to practice more, They need to find more happiness for the practices, How will Tennessee win a NFL championship if they want to be a better team. Maybe if the Tennessee Titans will stay in Tennessee and will find a possible better team name to rename it into the Tennessee Indians. Renaming the team could be a better chance if Tennessee can find a way to win a Super Bowl with a new team name that is Tennessee Indians if necessary. Because the team name: Tennessee Indians could be a better team for Tennessee to win a NFL championship. But for now, Tennessee Titans needs to win games and then Tennessee will rename the team into the Tennessee Indians.

Jim: Seriously, Richard?

Kenny Gore from Horse Cave, Kentucky
Question: OK Jim, this is gonna be a long one & may make some "fans" mad; so I get it, if it doesn't make the cut... First & foremost I want to say: I am legitimately EMBARRASSED by this "Fan-base!!" Yea, I get it; the team has been bad. However, we should NEVER allow an opposing team to TAKE OVER our stadium. DO NOT call it "Our House" if you don't have the stones to defend it!! Look at the Browns teams & fans over the years! They've been HORRIBLE year over year for LONG stretches! Yet, you ALWAYS see that stadium full of home fans; & you have a hard time getting tickets to those games as a visitor! I'm ashamed! And honestly a bit pissed! I've had 3 (Back & knees) surgeries the last couple of yrs & missed games. I HATE it; but I just can't afford mid to lower bowl tickets right now & the upper levels are so tight & kind of lean forward. After the back surgeries I'm too off balance for that. I'd LOVE to be ABLE to come to EVERY game!! STOP TAKING IT FOR GRANTED! There are people who would LOVE to be able to use what SO MANY fans are taking for granted!! I pray I don't see our stadium like that again. It's SHAMEFUL! You CANNOT claim to be a proud/die-hard/true fan; then sell/allow opposing fans to harass our team FROM YOUR SEAT!! If you can't be there for the times the team is struggling; don't act like they are "Your Team" when they are making the playoffs!! THAT is the very definition of a "Fair-Weather Fan." Don't be that guy/girl. It's FAKE!
Next, Will Levis. Let's be honest, he hasn't played the way the team, HC, fans, or He wants him to play. However, there's NO ONE who knows if he will or won't work out yet. Seeing these experts definitively write this kid off is crazy. They act as if they are NFL Evaluators. Yet, they don't even know the "Pick 6" is NOT on Levis. I've seen: "He stared DHop down the whole way" & "Levis threw another awful pick 6." The FACT is: It was a 3 step drop quick game pass. There was NO read post snap. The defense was in "Cover 3" & Alexander had the deep 3rd. He should not have been there to make that pick. So, Levis made the correct "Pre-Snap Read" & there was NO "post snap read" for the QB to make! The play is designed for the ball to come out as soon as the QB hits his back foot on his 3 step drop. 2 things made the Pick 6 possible. 1) Alexander made a decision to take a risk & leave his assignment of the deep 3rd & watch the QB/drive on the ball. It's why he's an all pro DB. 2) DHop did not run a clean route. Just being honest. I love DHop, but it's the truth. DHop should've broke back harder & at an angle toward the QB. It would've made it impossible for Alexander to drive in front of him & get the ball. Please run this by the HC, Coach Mac, or any of the coaches...I'd bet they agree. I'll also say; it was bad play design. I like Coach Cally, but there NEEDS to be another route that presents at least the THREAT of a deep pass... If it was there; NO WAY does Alexander take that risk! He would HAVE to respect that threat & cover his deep 3rd. While Levis HAS made some VERY bad decisions that have cost us games... This is NOT one of them. Also the OL has been BAD creating pressure on him rapidly. It's HARD for a young QB learning a new system to be under constant pressure. They need time to develop & so does Levis. The WRs are not doing a very good job getting open fast enough for him to get him the ball out; w/o being under pressure. It's NOT just Levis; everyone around him NEEDS to be MUCH better. Also I think the play calls need to get in faster. The play clock is always snapped between 1-5 seconds. It allows DL/Edges to hone in on when to "get off" & easily time the snap! Just my 2 cents. ALL this stuff is the cost of a new HC/Play Caller, TONS of young/new players on offense, another new offensive system, & 1st yr struggles to gel as an offense. It WILL improve; I hope soon.
Now, Malik. I've seen posts saying: Look, the Titans had him for years & did nothing to help him/gave him no chance. In 3wks GB made him a "Great QB." This again, just shows how little these people understand/know football. If you, for one second, think that GB "Developed" Malik in the 3wks he's been there... You are a special kind of stupid. He's been learning a system, & trying to get to know his team. They did VERY little to make him better as a QB. ALL the development/growth he's made, is 100% a credit to the coaching staff in TN; that has been working w/him for several months. NOT the team that has had him for 3wks. Now, LaFleur did a great job installing/executing a game plan (for 2wks) that played to his strengths; & stayed away from his limitations. They identified & took advantage of the weaknesses of the defense. It was a, do the simple stuff well, coaching clinic TBH.
I am a Tennessee Titan fan NO MATTER WHAT. I've endured MUCH worse than this bump in the road. I will never leave this team. I will not root for another team because a player left for that team... I will not turn on the team because they draft a player I do not like. I wasn't a fan of the Levis pick TBH. However, he's a part of this team. He's my QB, for better or worse. I will not hope for his downfall; I will support him until he is not our QB. I HOPE that is 15yrs in the future; because he's a GREAT Franchise QB. THAT is what's best for the team! Support the team & it's members; or DO NOT CLAIM to be a fan!!
Sorry Jim, I'm not usually THAT guy. But this is a STRANGE time... We've got so called "fans" leaking Levis's number to harass him!! That is INSANE!! It's the most childish thing I've ever heard from a "Fan-base." I'm shocked, ashamed, & embarrassed by the crap this "Fan-base" has done! This young man has been beat up since the day he was drafted. In ways I thought I'd never see! I hope people grow up & act more like adults!! I admit, this is not what I expected from this team... However, it's beyond embarrassing what this "Fan-base" has done this yr!! As always, Titan Up. Praying for a win Monday Night!

Jim: Appreciate the passion, Kenny.

Ed Lake from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Question: Hey Jim, you noted in Tuesday's Mailbag the last 0-3 start was in 2009. You probably didn't want to depress the fans any further by adding that the Titans went on to 0-6 to start that year. BUT, that team finished 8-8, so let's not burn our PSLs just yet.
The offensive mess is complicated. Yes, the O-Line is still not good and, yes, Levis needs not to make the dumb turnovers. But to be fair, the line can't hold blocks forever. Levis is taking too long, too often to unload the ball. At this stage, he doesn't seem to have great "pocket-awareness," as the cliche goes. His turnovers in this past game were a bad interception, a deep throw into double coverage late in the game, and the fumble when the LB ran straight into him untouched. Those weren't quite like his mistakes in the first two games.
Then there are the receivers' issues. If Levis must make quick decisions and short, quick passes to get the Offense going, the receivers have to get open quicker-which they don't seem to be doing consistently.
Last, we have 4 RBs, 3 of which are basically the same back-Pollard, Spears, Small. Only Chestnut has any real size. That's fine for the passing attack (the one we don't yet have), but when it's 4th and 1 or 2, who's going to get those tough yards inside?
Keep smilin', Jim. Just think how it'd be trying to 'splain the Bengals' 0-3?

Jim: I also didn't mention that 2009 team ended up winning 8 of its last 10 to finish 8-8 and narrowly miss the playoffs. I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up. 😊
Yeah, I bet the Bengals mailbag is hopping …

Joe Levickis from Joelton, Tennessee
Question: Hey Jim! I'm hoping a return to Miami can spark some confidence in our offense, after such a wonderful comeback last year in primetime. Do you think there's anything to that? I have to think returning to the site of such a big success for Will last year (in primetime, to boot) might help to stir up some positive emotions in an otherwise dreary start to the season. Maybe this is just the school counselor in me, but I'm trying to manifest some positive energy around here! Here's to hoping we can right the ship before the bye.

Jim: We'll see, Joe. I'm not going to make any promises in here. Heading into each of the past three games, I thought the team had a great chance to win … yet here we are, at 0-3. I like your thought process, though! Hope all is well.

Joni Daniels from Antioch, Tennessee
Question: I decided to wait until all the emotionally charged correspondence you received would die down a bit. I refuse to believe that what we've seen from the Titans so far is representative of our season. I believe in Brian Callahan and his staff. I didn't invest in a PSL and season tickets to give up on the Titans now!! WE CAN OVERCOME THIS and I believe we will. It's going to start with Miami. I hope you believe this too.

Jim: Thanks for writing in, Joni!

Arleen Neisz from Estero, Florida
Question: Last week was probably a major blow to the confidence of a lot of Titans fans on Levis. Not me. I still believe that he has what it takes. He has a cannon of an arm and more passion than anyone else on the field. But it's hard to showcase that talent when you have guys like NPF getting him body-slammed!!!! He's made some big mistakes but it's time everyone else steps up to the plate. Our WR, RB, and TE groups have done their jobs, so has the defense up until last week, it's the O-line and secondary's turn to figure it out and bounce back in Miami. TITAN UP!

Jim: Thanks for writing in, Arleen!

Randy Porter from Hendersonville, Tennessee
Question: Hey Jim. Thanks for letting us vent, we all need it. After another loss and some self evaluation, I've been trying to figure out why these losses somehow seem worse than others. I guess it's several things. First, we were all filled with high hopes after all the changes. We were convinced that Ran opened up the checkbook, brought it a coaching staff and new players that would look completely different on day one. Add to that, deep down, we all know these were three games we should have won easily. Not only would we be top of the division, but we really needed these easy wins, to offset the tough opponents coming up. But now, we're in a hole with tough opponents coming. And once again, we see opposing fans getting 30k + tickets from the Titans disloyal. Finally, there's that looming stat - "No team has ever started 0-3 and won a Super Bowl". I'm not sure if any such team has even made it to a SB. Add these together and yes, everyone feels a little lost right now. With all that said, I still won't join those calling for Levis to be reassigned to a concession stand (although they need someone bad). Instead, I'll repeat what I've said here for several seasons - No QB, not Tom Brady, not Patrick Mahomes, not Manning, not Tannehill and not Levis, can succeed behind a non-productive O-line ! I heard a fan say "That's a new Malik Willis". No, it's not. It's the same Malik with a different system and better O-line. Truth is, if a priority had been placed on a top O-line several seasons ago, several key personal changes may have not happened. I think we have the coaching to succeed, the question is, will they proactively fix this problem, if we don't have the talent? We'll see. What I do know is it sure frustrates, especially when we see our division opponents opening doors. We just better step in one fast.
Thanks Jim !

Jim: Always good to hear from you, Randy.

James Kaufmann from York, Pennsylvania
Question: I gotta say we look really bad right now. With our schedule being what it is the rest of the season on paper we look like we might not get a win for a while if we can't get one against Miami next Monday or against the Colts after the bye week. Since the 1st home game, you can already hear the other teams' fans loudly chanting over our own. I think our GM has done a great job bringing in quality pieces but for one reason or another it's not gelling together. I guess my question would be at this point do you think we will be shopping Hopkins even though he looks like he's on the mend? Also, is there any potential for us to go out and make a trade for any high-profile offensive linemen? I can't wait for the new stadium to be finished but we can't put this type of losing product on the field there. The team has to give us the fans a reason to want to watch them again. If they can't win that stadium will be half empty. I'm done ranting Jim.

Jim: Like mentioned earlier, no one is coming to save this team, James. If the Titans are going to turn things around, it's pretty much going to be with guys currently on the roster.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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