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Tuesday Mailbag: Jim Wyatt Answers Questions From Titans Fans After Sunday's Loss to the Jets


NASHVILLE – How's everyone doing?

OK, sorry, I think I know the answer to this.

It's been a tough start to the season for the Tennessee Titans, who let another winnable game slip through their grasp on Sunday against the Jets.

This team could be sitting at 2-0 right now, but because of a few mistakes, the Titans are 0-2.

Some of you are frustrated, others are mad. I've noticed others out there who are still impressively optimistic through it all.

We all meet here, in the Tuesday mailbag…

Here's the link to submit questions: CLICK HERE

Devonte Reed from Memphis, Tennessee
Question: Hi Jim!! Long time reader… big fan of the mailbag. I'll get right to the point here…how many more bad decisions by Will Levis before the coaching staff considers a change? How many more blocked punts before the team begins to evaluate the special teams ... including the coordinator and coverage unit? Another 2 turnovers by Will and yet another subpar day (so far) by special teams. I'm excited about this coaching staff especially the defense, but man this isn't anywhere near pretty nor fun to watch so far. Also with the way Will has played the first 2 games of the season do you see the team possibly taking an extended look at the QBs in the upcoming draft?

Jim: Thanks for reading Devonte. I don't know the answer to the first question. I know the coaching staff is frustrated with Will, but not sure what the consequences could be if some of his careless actions continue. I don't believe benching him is a realistic option at this point, and personally, I don't think the team should even be considering it. Brian Callahan has said himself he believes in Levis, but it's very clear some of these poor decisions have really cost the team. Part of this season was always going to be about finding out whether or not Levis is the guy moving forward, and I'm not sure you want to abandon that before a longer stretch. It would be nice to win some games along the way, because this team is clearly good enough to be winning. As for what needs to happen right now, yes, I agree somebody needs to figure out how to keep punts from getting blocked.

Jim Tryner from Houston, Texas
Jim: Two words.... Undisciplined, Pathetic and depressing....OK 3 words.
Back to back weeks with a blocked punt -- are you kidding me?
Gonna be a long season. I fear that Levis is not a fit for this offense. He is a gunslinger and this is a patient and disciplined type of offense. Just a bad fit.
My guess Cally will be looking for the right fit in next years draft.
Too bad our defense is solid....Prediction Our DC will be one and done -- he will be a HC next year.

Jim: I've gone seasons without seeing a blocked punt, and now I've seen them in back-to-backs weeks. I'm with you on this, it's unacceptable. Time will tell on some of the other stuff you mention, but I felt like Dennard Wilson was head coach material before he'd even coached a game with the Titans.

Bill Holmes from Fairport, New York
Question: Headline: Deja Vu in Game 2. Blocked punt? Check. Idiotic shovel pass? Check. Strong defensive effort marred by weak and inconsistent offense? Checkmate. And the results are predictable - two close losses in two winnable games. I'll bet your mailbag weighs a ton this weekend, Jim.
The thing that's bothering me most? Will Levis obviously can handle the ball well - fakes, handoffs, pitches - and he has a cannon of an arm blessed with great accuracy. Burks got outwrestled for the ball and Ridley had two bombs dimed into a pinpoint location - one went through his hands and the other might be the catch of the year. Levis is also obviously tough, and smart, and it appears he reads defenses well and checks down when he needs to. So why is he so bullheaded that he tries to force improbable situations when the risk is so high? I know Callahan barked at him but if he does it again in Week 3 I hope he benches him if that's what it takes to get his attention.
I had no expectations that we'd win the SB this year, and we are (so far) competitive. But we have to stop snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Jim: Hello again, Bill. I think that's the part that's frustrating for coaches. Levis is capable, and he has all the tools. But he can't make those mistakes and coaches can't really MAKE him not do those things. The only person who can is Will. As for the Burks play, I'm of the opinion he had a better chance to come down with it than the Jets defender, and he didn't. Those blaming Levis for that one are going to blame Levis for everything.

Steve Boxwell from Corpus Christi, Texas
Question: Hello
Thank you for keeping us informed.
Unfortunately we lost again.
Hopefully we can turn it around.
We have added new faces and spend
Additional money. Too help the offense
And defense along with New Coaches.
Now we had time in spring training
Along with the pre season
And the talent we have wide receivers
And running backs and all we can
Do is muster 17 points two weeks in a row.
Too me with that talent should be able to score. At least 21 to 24 points.
Now they need to open up the offense
But something needs to improve quickly
Or a long season.

Jim: Hey Steve. When I first saw this, I was kind of expecting a poem. 😊

Connor Simpson from Norwalk, Connecticut
Question: Jim we have the whole AFC on the run. Don't look now but we are only two games out of a playoff spot. The league should be nervous. We have a fearless QB, a special team juggernaut and a right side of the oline that is close to figuring out how to pass block.
Woo hoo.... Super Bowl here we come.... What a &#%@ joke!!!

Jim: Hey Connor. When I first saw this, I was kind of expecting it to be funny. I was wrong again.

Connie Alinikoff from Hendersonville, Tennessee
Question: Hi Jim. Just wanted you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you as you go thru your mail bag after the Titans loss Sunday. 🙄

Jim: Hi Connie. I've sorted through a lot worse…

Josh Harper from Billings, Montana
Question: Hey Jim. No question, just comments. Sad to say, but (Levis), is nothing more than Carson Wentz. Has some flashes but his boneheaded plays far outweigh his positive plays. I can deal with his int, although it was a bad decision, but the other turnover? He must be a few fries short of a Happy Meal to keep doing this junk.
While I'm at it, I'm not real impressed with the offensive scheme and play calling. Although it could be that Cally can't trust (Levis) and has to call what he does. Punt unit is trash and it's saddening to waste the defensive efforts over and over again. SMH

Jim: Please forgive me, Josh, but I took out your nickname for Levis. I'm not letting that fly in here. Sure, there's a lot to be frustrated about, but c'mon man.

Carl Wilken from Warrensburg, Missouri
Question: Hey Jim, not so much a question for you but more towards the rest of the riled up fanbase. When are we gonna cut Levis some slack? While the loss looks and feels similar to last week because we saw similar mistakes, that's just not true! Every media outlet and fan was ready to throw him under the bus again for this loss because of the fumble (which he was actually following his checks there, as Spears set up designed chip block screen, but Levis tripped over the defender on the ground as he was getting the ball ready to go out, so not completely his fault, but could have pulled the ball back in as he was falling) and the INT that Burks should have caught but instead let the CB that was smaller than him rip it away when they came down. Levis just completed his 12th start ever, he hasn't even played in enough games to fill a full NFL season! These fans that are all ready to hang it up and bench him definitely need to take a step back and look at who we were playing and realize that we were competitive in these games with a completely new offense, defense, and coaching staff. There were always going to be some growing pains, and I'm very optimistic that we could still be a competitive team as the season goes on. There have been a lot of good plays mixed in with the handful of mistakes. However, the Special Teams needs to figure out why they are giving up blocked punts, Colt's seat should definitely start to feel warm after having blocked punts in back to back games. Can't let that trend continue. Thanks for all you do, #TitanUP!

Jim: Thanks for taking the time, Carl. I really felt like Will made strides last year to win over a fan base that includes a few folks who didn't like him because of where he played in college, or because his name isn't Hendon Hooker. With Will's recent blunders, some of those folks are really coming out of the woodwork now. I think the majority of Titans fans are rooting for him, wanting him to be good. Can he win all them over? It's going to take more time – and better performances.

Chris Berry from Cleveland, Tennessee
Question: Yuck. Same song and dance of good defense spoiled by bad special teams and another brutal turnover with a second turnover immediately afterwards that probably has blame to be shared. Levis certainly flashed the arm with several deep ball throws. However, with only 1 of 3 being caught (by our team) is that really a sustainable way to win in the NFL? I honestly wouldn't have been surprised if Levis got benched after that first (turnover) just to make a point that those types of decisions are unacceptable.

Jim: Good to hear from you, Chris.

Raymundo Castillejos from Xalapa, Veracruz. Mexico
Question: Hi Jim. Nice to write you. Im a huge fan from Titans. Since Jeff Fisher era. And previous but I was a little kid then. I really love this sport and specific this team. I have been reading al the comments from another fans. And I only want to say for all the Titans fans, it is normal to loss. In sports sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Supose you are on Levis shoes, he does not want to hear all the critisism he wants from us to support him in a win and in a loss. Its sad when they lose but I always keep me mind positive and try to support all the team everyday. In good days and in bad days. Im sad because the loss but Im really happy and motivated with the new team and with the team efforts. It is a matter of time for the team to start wining. Titan Up and Titan till I die. I apologize about mi writing and grammar. Hopefully one day I can be there supporting my team on the field. Everyone keep your heads up, the season is starting. We as community have the power to change the team in the way we support them. Have a nice week for everybody.

Jim: You did great, Raymundo. I appreciate your upbeat attitude.

Mike Knecht from Wappingers Falls, New York
Question: Hi Jim. Hope you are doing well. Thank you for keeping Titans Nation informed. Well watching the game was hard. Love the defense. Special teams is very shaky. Will Levis has a new nickname "Mr Turnover". He gave away the second straight game. Hopefully against Green Bay Mason Rudolph will start. Maybe give the team a boost? Levis might be an ok qb one day, but he is not a franchise qb. What do you think?

Jim: I think we need more time to find out, as painful as it may be to watch at times.

Reinhard Schiendorfer from Fosdinovo, Italy
Question: All in all i am happy with our team. All these new pieces are coming more and more together. It is very promising for the future.
The only thing our team has to learn: It is better to make the suffering fans happy rather than help the suffering opponents. Therefore their slogan should be: no prisoners anymore

Jim: Clever, Reinhard. I like it.

Peter Tsomides from Saco, Maine
Question: After an off-season seeing the Titans spend plenty of money on free agents, I can't help but be frustrated. I know it's early but things look bad. I really believe that the team has surrounded Will Levis with the weapons he needs to succeed. Is Levis the problem or is it a combination of things? We all know that neither Warren Moon or Steve McNair are going to walk through the door. Mason Rudolph is not the answer. Malik Willis had a nice day should the team have been more patient with him? I admit it, I am looking at Mock Drafts already. I thought that these first two games were winnable games and the schedule going forward is very difficult. Where is this team going?

Jim: Hey Peter. Some things look bad, not all. The defense is good, no doubt. I think the offense is going to get better. With a new head coach, a new offense and a bunch of new players, I sure didn't expect it to be smooth sailing right out of the gate, and it hasn't been. Special teams doesn't need to make things harder, which it has. Where's the team going? Back to Nissan Stadium next week against the Packers, then to Florida to face the Dolphins.

Gayle Hase from Carrabelle, Florida
Question: So, I won't insult our quarterback this week. I think this week's interception was a normal occurrence and Will Levis probably can distinguish his teammates from the opposition. My question is, " do you think we should go for the record'? Think about it, a blocked punt a week. I bet it has never been done. I wonder, what does the opposition see in the game film that our coaching staff is oblivious to? I don't mean to nitpick, after all the Titans have a chance at an all-time NFL record. A blocked punt a week! Think of the glory!

Jim: It's ridiculous for sure, Gayle, but guys have to block, too. The past two blocked punts have been more about poor execution than a bad scheme.

Cosme Belmonte from CDMX, Mexico
Question: Hi Jim. My heart is broken. Well, Will did it again, as did the special teams, good for the defense, but they can't do everything. Will is very tense, it shows in his attitude, someone should tell him to let go and enjoy it.
On the OC's part, second and 21 and a 2-yard pass? Really? I feel disappointed.
Greetings Amigo

Jim: Greetings, Cosme. I understand your frustration.

Eli Decko from Youngwood, Pennsylvania
Question: Atrocious offensive line play again. No run game. Horrible play calling. Very undisciplined team too. Lots of mental errors in games where smarter players would not have made them. Levis may have a big arm and the look, but when in Mason Rudolph's career has he ever looked as bad as Levis has at any point? Cuz I know Mason has looked better than Levis at Levis' best. This team is doomed with the people they have running it.

Jim: Always good to hear from you, Eli.

Taylor Pennington from Milan, Tennessee
Question: I'm wondering when the coach is going to take some responsibilities for these losses instead of calling out the quarterback every week?
Why would you take players that are good at special teams and get rid of them like Hassan Haskins and replacing him with Julius Chestnut? This is the reason for the blocked punts. I'm not saying Vrabel didn't need to go but he did a lot of good things that should have been carried over also.

Jim: Hey Taylor. If you think the head coach hasn't taken some responsibility, then you haven't been paying very close attention. As for Julius Chestnut, he had two jobs on that play – to protect the punter, and then cover the punt. He didn't have a chance to do the second one because he didn't do the first. You do remember Stonehouse getting injured on a blocked punt under Vrabel's watch, right?

Bob Galasso from Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Question: Hey Jim. It's been awhile since I wrote in and fist I would like to say I love following your column each week. You are really talented and good what you do and your ability to look at both the positive and negatives that you address each week professionally makes you one of my favorite sports writers. - I guess I'll just get to the point. - The Titans are now sitting at 0-2 and in my opinion if the team had taken care of the football and limited turnovers they could very well be 2-0. I am still a Levis fan, but don't you think maybe giving Mason Rudolph an opportunity and benching Will for one game to clear his head would, both provide a spark to the offense and send a signal that making the same mistakes two weeks in a row can't afford to happen? Living right outside of Pittsburgh, I had the opportunity to watch Rudolph play and he's a very good quarterback - I'm just really disappointed with the weapons on offense with the game changers we have now... to only score 17 points per game isn't going to win many ball games... despite the time of possession... Miss Amy has paid a lot of money to bring the upgrade in Talent which has shown flashes on both sides of the ball, but in order to win at this level, the QB has to play smart and protect the ball...
Its easy to point the finger at Will Levis, and rightly so, but special teams has not been exactly doing a good job either, with two blocked punts in as many games. The defense hae been playing good enough to win, but there were some red flags there as well. Despite playing a great couple of series this past week, once the Jets turned to their short passing game the Jets moved the ball much more efficiently.
Like they say being a Monday morning QB is easy to do, and I know there have also been alot of positive things as well. The season is still young with alot of football to be played, but if they end up losing this upcoming week starting off 0-3 is a hole that I hope the team will not have to scratch and claw their way out of. Whats your take Jim... Optimistically hoping for a turn around,

Jim: Good stuff, Bob. Thanks for taking the time.

Dan Baird from Nashville, Tennessee
Question: I'm really starting to love Callahan.
He voiced the EXACT question to Levis I wanted to ask after the same boneheaded play as last week.
The idea of "game manager" is still foreign to him. Sometimes that's all that's needed.
The special teams screw ups are throwing gasoline on the fire, and igniting the "hero ball" b.s. in our QB.
Under control, team first. The talent is there.
I'll reimburse Cally if he can find the hammer that works.

Jim: Good to hear from you again, Dan.

Joe Allen from Gainesboro, Tennessee
Question: I have been pretty silent since the start of training camp and had some really high hopes for the new personnel we installed on Offense and Defense. Our Defense has been great for a few years now and still does a really nice job, but you just can't have turnovers and dumb plays and think you are going to win a game in the NFL. My hopes were that the Offense was going to protect Levis, but sadly, I don't see it. You do have to have some time and there has been some real breakdowns on the Offense. Levis has to not make stupid plays as well. I know it is just 2 games into the season, but the team has to be better at it's decisions with regards to miss plays and turnovers! We have not had a takeaway as of yet from the first two games either and that hurts as well. Guess I don't have a question Jim, but I do appreciate all that you do to keep us informed. Hopefully, GB is next and we can get a win. Malik looked good and GB got the win Sunday!

Jim: Don't be a stranger, Joe. No doubt room there's room for improvement, not just at quarterback.

Chuck Rhoten from Kingsport, Tennessee
Question: Thanks for all you do Jim. Disappointing loss, the OL is not protecting Levis. The right side is not getting it done. The RG is doing better than the RT. He is getting pushed back into Levis on almost every pass play or getting beat. Levis is going to have to improve and stop doing dumb things. I think the D did their job they just wore down because they were on the field too much. Two punt blocks, one each week, changes need to be made on special teams but I don't know what. The 300+ million to improve is not showing. Jim do you think this is a playoff team or a 2025 #1 pick team?

Jim: C'mon Chuck, have you seen the Panthers?

Have a great week everyone!

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