Need more Titans? Titans Snapchat has you covered. The Titans have launched their official Snapchat account. Fans can follow the Titans by downloading the Snapchat App to their mobile device, and search "nfltitans" in the "Add Friends" tab.
Snapchat "stories" add Snaps (photos or videos) together to create a narrative. Each snap of content lives for 24 hours before it disappears, making room for new snaps. Stories always play forward, to display moments in the order the user experiences them.
How the Titans will be using their Snapchat account:
*Behind the scene photos and videos
*Video shout-outs from players
*and much more!
Fans can also follow the Titans Cheerleaders by downloading the Snapchat App to their mobile device, and search "TitansCheers" in the "Add Friends" tab.