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Tuesday Mailbag: Titans Fans React to Sunday's Loss to the Packers


NASHVILLE – Now that was a rough one.

There's no sugarcoating what happened on Sunday at Nissan Stadium, where the Titans were beaten convincingly by the Green Bay Packers.

This mailbag started filling up fast during and after the game, and I don't think anyone is writing in to just say hello.

So, let's dive in to see what everyone is thinking.

Buckle up…

Here's the link to submit questions: CLICK HERE

Noah Richter from Concord, North Carolina
Question: Hey Jim, hope you're well. I was extremely optimistic heading into this season, and I'll continue to be until we're officially out of the playoffs. My reason for optimism was mainly based on our offensive line. Like a lot of other fans, I was expecting our offensive line to be at LEAST average, but that obviously isn't the case (yet🤞). I know we added a lot of other weapons this off-season, but the simple truth is none of that matters if your o-line sucks. Until this organization can fix the o-line we will likely be a team with a losing record. This is just a take from silly fan though, I guess we'll see how things turn out. Titan up Jim. ✌️

Jim: Good to hear from you, Noah. And, you make a valid point. It's been a struggle up front for sure. I have to say, I had a feeling it would take some time to get things fixed. I was on the OTP with Mike Keith and Amie Wells prior to the season, and they asked me my No.1 concern heading into the fall. My answer: The offensive line. They were surprised by my answer, but I felt like with so many new starters, a rookie at left tackle, a new offensive line coach, and a new scheme, it would take some time. Plus, Nicholas Petit-Frere was always going to have to prove he could get the job done, and he clearly hasn't done it on a consistent basis. Right guard Dillon Radunz has had some issues, and left guard Peter Skoronski needs to improve. Heck, the whole unit needs to get better. JC Latham's play has been encouraging. I have complete confidence in o-line coach Bill Callahan, but he has his work cut out for him with the personnel the team currently has up front. Can the Titans be better? Yes. Can the Titans win games with this group? Yes. And, I think things will get better during the course of this season. But it may take another offseason for the Titans to get the o-line where it needs to be.

Steve Glenn from Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Question: Another week, another turnover riddled game. O-line looked horrible. Defense looked rough and almost like they gave up. Levis doesn't seem to have the team behind him. With all of the changes they made this off-season, I expected something different. I'm hoping time proves me wrong but so far our passing attack isn't any better looking than last year. Oh, not to forget our rushing attack is seemingly non-existent. At what point do they bench Levis? Allow him develop a little more, and see if Rudolph can give the team a spark? Something has to change.... Thanks for all you do, Jim. Pay a visit to 131 N sometime!!

Jim: Hey Steve. I suspect the coaching staff – and front office – want to give Levis more time instead of benching him. I've said this before: This season was always going to partly be about finding out if Levis is the guy moving forward. It would be nice to win some games along the way, because this roster is good enough to win games, even if it didn't seem like that vs the Packers. Section 131 is to my right on game days! Way to represent down there.

Donley Canary from Raymore, Missouri
Question: Good Afternoon Jim. Just finished sitting through the debacle of a game that the Titans "showed up for" today. Can't really say that they played because they did not! I am done Jim! After 26 frustrating years of watching this franchise flounder and fail time after time, it is time to bow out. Many fans feel as I do. There is no support for the team locally. We were outnumbered in our own stadium both for the Jets and Packers game. That is pitiful and sad. Reminds me so much of the effort that Vanderbilt puts forth to compete in the SEC.
We are poorly outcoached and display little effort to compete. Blocked punts, fumbles, interceptions, bone head plays (2) and sacks characterize this team. At the current rate, our quarterback will be sacked 85 times this season. That is an unbelievable Stat, Jim.
The franchise wants the Titans fans to pay for a new stadium with exorbitant PSL fees. The new stadium will be utilized by a public University to play their home football games, concerts for visitors to Nashville from all over the country/world and utilized during Country Music Fest activities each summer. Are they being asked to pay PSL fees? Hell NO. This past loyal Titans fan won't be played for the fool anymore by the Adams family. WE SUX Jim and that is all you can say. Callahan and his dad have shown they aren't ready for this gig with a piss poor performance. I really see us winning 2 or 3 games this season. Just goes to show you that 290 million dollars sure does not buy what it use to. Good luck Titans. You sure will need it now and in the future with the current management organization in charge! Damn.

Jim: Sunday was a humiliating day for a lot of Titans fans, I know, Donley. It was a bad day for the team. But you're choosing to call it quits after that one? Personally, I've seen a lot worse. My only suggestion to you: I guess you should stop using the word "we." Godspeed.

Troy Curtis from Denver, Colorado
Question: Hey Jim. This is my first time writing in. Thanks for always keeping us updated on what's happening with the team!
I flew down for the game on Sunday. Woof was that rough. It didn't help that the stadium was half full of Packers fans. I get that the Titans aren't good right now, but I am always disappointed in our fan base for not showing up with better support. We sure know how to show up and complain week in and week out.
I was hoping you might be able to shed some light on the third down holding penalty on the missed field goal in the 3rd quarter. What happened? How do you get a holding penalty on a kick? I felt like that was a turning point in the game. We were getting the ball back down 10 with good field position after an outstanding defensive stop. I had a feeling we were going to drive down the field and get within 2. Instead we ended up 17 down, which felt quite insurmountable at that point. In fact, I felt bad for Derrick Morgan, who they brought in to celebrate and he had to come out at a horrible time to try and pump the more than deadened crowd. It was a shame.
I get that people are frustrated with Levis, but I cant believe they were calling for his head after (3) games. Give the guy a break. He's basically still a rookie and has a lack luster O-line. Granted my grandmother could have made that pick-6 at the beginning of the game this weekend, but how can you not give the guy through at least 6 games to see if he can develop into something? Ya'll need to simmer down.
Lastly, what do you think the team is going to do on O-line after benching Petit-Frere this weekend? Doesn't seem like we have a lot of choices..... Thanks boss!

Jim: Dang Troy, sorry you saw such a bad game. Hope it was a good trip otherwise. As for the crowd, I know the Packers bring a lot of fans, but I agree, that wasn't a good look. Kudos to the Titans fans who showed up … The call they got Simmons on isn't called very often, and when I looked at the replay, it didn't seem egregious to me. He was pretty much called for a "pull and shoot", which, in reality, is defensive holding. Officials deemed he tried to grab and move a Packers lineman out of the way so one of his teammates could run through the gap. I think the Packers lineman really tried to sell it with his body language, and the official bought it. It ended up being a costly penalty for the Titans. As for Petit-Frere, not sure if he'll get replaced or not. The reality is he beat out Jaelyn Duncan and others in camp, so making a change certainly doesn't guarantee things will get better. For sure NPF needs to get better.

Sean Kelley from Smyrna, Delaware
Question: Hi Jim. I remind myself of previous email which I stated "this team looks good on paper".
Yesterday was a disaster worthy of a top 5 franchise loss and we have had some epic losses.
Maybe so many that it can't crack the top 5, but it feels like it.
Levis was a -2 ranking, unfortunately today -3
I would be easy to just say the terrible pick 6, which is bad, but was really bad based on the two mistakes previous weeks.
But I was wavering on -1 or -.5 because how can we properly evaluate Levis, if every time he drops back to pass he has A defender moving him off his spot or already hitting him. The WR's still had backs turned, and Levis was on the ground.
No NFL QB should be sacked and harassed like Levis has been in his 12 starts.
That being said, is there more to this? Why on two or three drives he looks like Peyton Manning, then we revert to Billy Joe Toliver.
(Sorry Billy Joe, was just picking random QB from team past). Is Levis not trusting what he's seeing b/c he doesn't want to make a mistake?
The play I ding' Levis's rating on was the 4-2 after time out… he's got to release that throw to Pollard, it was there.
Yes window was closing… but he delayed, and then tried to pick it up. * also it was a terrible play call.
Good: Special Teams no block punt
Bad: tied between HC play calling and Jeffery Simmons, come on man
Ugly: I would say OL, but they didn't show up to the game.

Jim: Good to hear from you again, Sean.

Reinhard Schiendorfer from Fosdinovo, Italy
Question: The thrown-away kid had the choice to run or pass into our house again and again,
the in-our-house kid had the choice to be sacked or throw the ball away again and again.
very sad poem

Jim: This is deep, Reinhard, I'm going to need some more time to think about this one.

Steve Boxwell from Corpus Christi, Texas
Question: Hello Jim
Appreciate you keeping us with updates
Levis apparently isn't ready yet.
It's going to take more time.
Right now Levis has 7 turnovers in 3 games
And the offensive line gave up 8 sacks
Too me it's sad
But what has happened is complete disaster.
Guess at this point right the ship.
If that what the office wants
If this continues, and Malik Willis can win for
the Packers. Then the Titans should have
Kept Malik and traded Levis.
Then next year look at a New Quarterback.
And more offensive help.
Hopefully this doesn't turn out.
Like it did when we got the coach from the
Chargers and after 6 games believe they fired him.
The organization cannot continue losing.

Jim: Is this supposed to be another poem?

Linda Gregory from Dickson, Tennessee
Question: In all fairness to Levis, the line still is subpar. It is hard to do anything when you're lying on your back. Yes, turnovers are still a problem too. It's only 3 games but the hole they're digging is getting deeper. I'm not throwing in the towel yet. Have you seen anything positive? I'd say the defense but their performance against the Pack makes me wonder.

Jim: I thought DeAndre Hopkins provided a spark on Sunday. I thought Jha'Quan Jackson did some positive things in the return game. I noticed Ernest Jones making a bunch of tackles. I thought the flyover was cool. I thought the Dachshund dogs at halftime were entertaining.

Sergio Escobar from El Paso, Texas
Question: Hello again from the old dusty town in West Texas. And just as dry as our offense. Another bad showing. Hurts especially worse with Malik turning in a great game of which we thought he would do when he was with us. Guess all he needed was good coaching. Speaking of ... didn't we hire an offensive line coach guru? Line looks just as bad as the last few years. Levis again turn in a woeful showing with another 3 turnovers. We spent money on cush, ridley, Pollard, Boyd and the offense is still putrid. Spent good money on defense as well but the guy we were happy to get a 7th round draft pick for lit us up from the start. 55 years of being a diehard fan I can honestly say this is by far the biggest disappointment to the start of a season given the expectations. I hope the coming weeks you get to answer mail about how great we played after a win. Again thank you for all you do for this organization.

Jim: Hey Sergio. A lot of bad things from Sunday. But I'm not going to let folks start discrediting Bill Callahan because of the performance of this unsteady o-line. He can only do so much. As I mentioned right out of the gate in this mailbag, he had his work cut out for him. I can promise you he knows what he's doing. I do understand your frustration, though, and everything else you're saying is true right now. The start to the season has been abysmal. On Sunday, the Titans simply got schooled by the Packers on both sides of the ball. It's why the team couldn't afford to give those two games away to start the season. I always felt like starting 2-2 would be great. Now, 1-3 is the best the team can hope for. If that happens, there will at least be something to feel good about heading into the bye week.

James Richards from Sarasota, Florida
Question: Hey Jim hope all is well. I had high hopes for this season but this is starting to get down right embarrassing three weeks into the season and we can't even score more than 17 points a game not to mention our line was supposed to be vastly improved between the new players and Callahan dad coming in and just watched our line not even attempt to block at times and give up 8 sacks on the day . And I'm starting to wonder if trading willis was the right move I've had faith in Levis but he's also single handily cost this team two wins with absolutely bone headed decisions and today he gave up 14 points to the defense. Sorry for the rant but couldn't hold it in and more do you think this offense can get it turned around or is it time to hand the keys to the offense to Rudolph.

Jim: It was a brutal performance for sure, James.

Scott Caldwell from Dresden, Ohio
Question: Dear Jim. Where did our defense go? Where did our running game go? Where is the offensive line?
The only consistent that this team maintained in this game was levis turnovers .
The only bright spot of this game was D-hop's reappearance in a Titans game. He remains a quality receiver who should be targeted every game as much as possible.
I guess, good for Malik Willis , he managed the game for the cheese heads, and was Managed by their coaching staff efficiently.
Do we draft another offensive line man in the first round of draft again next year, or a quarterback? Thought all the media titan haters were wrong, but alas, maybe they knew something I didn't.
Same old titans ......but I'll still root for them every week!

Jim: Hang in there, Scott. Too early for draft speculation. We have several more months to see how things play out.

Dawn Sadler from Nashville, Tennessee
Question: Good after Jim. Thanks for taking our questions and listening to our rants and raves each and every week. Not a question this week. Just an observation. The Titans are not good. I had a lot of high hopes for this team but they are just not a good team right now. It could change but from what I see, there are no words to describe this franchise. Thanks for all you do.

Jim: Thanks for writing in, Dawn. Hard to argue against this right now. Sunday was bad.

Jon Smythe from Birmingham, Alabama
Question: Outcoached and out toughed. Defense getting pushed around and Levis being Levis again......LOOOOOOOONG SEASON. I like Will but you cant win with this play and you can bet Cally wants someone else.

Jim: I'm betting Cally wants more time to see for sure – and he wants his QB to have more time to work.

Chuck Rhoten from Kingsport, Tennessee
Question: Looks like we traded the wrong QB, we look terrible on offense. The Titans spent 300 million plus and it looks like we spent 30 cents. The defense looks lost today so that makes me worry if we hired the right person. New DBs and Willis is picking them apart. What do you think Jim? We have a chance for the #1 pick but top 5 for sure. Levis another pick 6. I think he has 7 or 8 turnovers. Might be time to bench him.

Jim: Thanks for weighing in, Chuck.

Ben Hastings from Holly Springs, North Carolina
Question: First let me say thank you for all you do for the fans. I have been following the Titans since they came to Nashville. I consider myself as a true Titans fan, win or lose I love all the boys on the team. I believe in Will Levis, I think he will be one of the great quarterbacks of the league. But he needs more time in the pocket. 1st question, Is the offensive line ever gonna hold their blocks, long enough to let him make his reads? I feel this is a fair question, I know our line is new, but dang,8 sacks in a game. That's ridiculous. Our defense is awesome!! But offense needs some work, we need to be able to score more than 14 pts a game. Again I love the Tennessee Titans, have for many years, now let's turn this around and win some games, I BELIEVE!!

Jim: Good to hear from you, Ben. I can't make any promises on the o-line. Those guys are going to have to prove it. It is a fair question based on what we've seen so far. As for the defense, I don't think it was "awesome" on Sunday – that unit wasn't great against the Packers, although it was hardly the reason the Titans lost.

Mike Knecht from Wappingers Falls, New York
Question: Hi Jim. Hope you are well. I know the old saying is, you can only get better from here. Why do we constantly believe in a QB who gets worse as time goes on? We need a lot of help. Don't know how we can't score 20 points? Feels like it's going to be a long season. Let's hope we can at least squeeze 1 win this season. Thanks for everything you do for Titans Nation.

Jim: Appreciate it, Mike. You'd really be satisfied with one win at this point? Jeez.

Patrick Sweeney from Roselle Park, New Jersey
Question: Hey Jim. Well that was disappointing… My question is: How do you evaluate a Quarterback when the offensive line is offensive? I think Levis will be fine if he is given time to throw the ball. Also, any talk that Ms Amy should sell the team or fire Ran (that I see on these fan sites) is more offensive then our offensive line. I've seen it all in my 46 years of Oilers/Titans fandom and this current regime is primed for greater days ahead (sooner rather than later). On a side note, it may be time to go back to the Navy uni's because the Oilers didn't have much success (Super Bowl)in the powder blue's. Thanks for all you do to keep the fans informed. (I'm running out of season's to see that Super Bowl championship).

Jim: This is a great question, Patrick. Hard to evaluate a QB when he's under so much pressure. This does not excuse Will for some of his own mistakes, but he needs more time to work. … And, you haven't seen the end of the navy blue uniforms, I promise. Hang in there, Patrick. My 86-year-old father left that game in his wheelchair pretty discouraged, too.

Austin Caldwell from Antioch, Tennessee
Question: So first my question, Small was elevated for the game then made inactive. Does that still count against his 3 elevations?
Second, just venting about the BS that is sure to hit the mail bag this week about how Levis needs to play better and that it's time to move on from him. If you just look at the stats, yeah it doesn't look good with him credited with 3 turnovers. If you actually watched the game he did everything he could to keep the Titans in it while not playing "hero ball".
It's not Levis' fault the O Line let defenders into the backfield every snap. It's not Levis' fault the receivers didn't run better routes or catch balls that he puts in their hands (looking at you Burks and Boyd). It's not Levis' fault that the receivers didn't fight for catchable balls (ala Ridley on the second pick). It's not Levis' fault that the RBs were completely ineffective.
He doesn't call the plays, the pick 6 was a bad read but Levis did exactly what Callahan told him to do. It wasn't his choice for the 4th down conversion play call to be Pollard or bust. It wasn't his choice to stop attacking the middle of the field even though the Packers ILBs were showing they were very susceptible.
It's not Levis' fault that for the second week in a row Big Jeff gets called for a stupid foul that led to the other team scoring a touchdown. It's not Levis' fault that the defense consistently missed tackles that they usually make. It's not Levis' fault that our D made Malik Willis look like Warren Moon.
In the previous 2 games he had a couple of plays that he admitted we're boneheaded, but he doesn't block on punts, catch 50/50 balls, block edge rushers, or defend running backs on receiving routes. This 0-3 start is not because of Levis. For those calling for Levis' head after this game, what more do you want from him?

Jim: Hey Austin. Yes, that does count as one of Jabari's three elevations. It was done more for insurance, but Tyjae Spears went through pregame warmups OK and was good to go.
I agree with you on your Levis take. He's not the only problem with this team right now. Sure, he needs to quit turning the ball over, and he could play better. But this team had a whole lot of problems around him on Sunday.

Russell Alexander from LaVergne, Tennessee
Question: Well Jim. Another tough loss. Kind of surprised that Malik appeared to be the best QB in the game on Sunday. Packers fans were asking me all kinds of questions and I just said that is over my fan pay grade. You think we see Mason Rudolph soon? I readily admit we had more issues than QB Sunday. Hopefully, the Callahans will figure it out.

Jim: I don't think we'll see Mason Rudolph replace Will Levis, at least not right now.

Carlos Perez from Columbus, Indiana
Question: Hi Jim, as always, thanks for all you do! I'm sure this mail bag is getting more pressure than Levis in the pocket! Now we know Malik's performance as Titan was on the coaches and offensive line, so far, we can almost say the same about Levis. Also learned the worst mistake of J Rob was choosing Vrabel over Matt LaFleur as HC. My question is on the offensive line (I expected to see questions about NPF as his "fantasy expert" job in Saturday's mailbag), can he keep that job and move on as a tackle? Is the team doing something about it? This is as insulting as his lack of blocking. I think Radunz should get moved to RT, plug Brunskill as RG and elevate Levin as center backup…. I know Bill Callahan knows much better than me, but please, at least keep NPF off the field, he is killing his reputation of OL coach legend. Good news is Dolphins are next, this is a good chance to finally get a W and have a decent bye week. Win or lose, Titan Up!

Jim: Hey Carlos. I'm interested myself to see if some shuffling will take place this week at practice. Callahan said he wants to see how things play out during the course of the week.

Matt Montanaro from Vaughan, Ontario, Canada
Question: Good day Jim. It seems I find myself writing to you to gripe every Monday morning. I suppose it is the life of a Titan fan. Our reality is really disappointing. So, instead of whining and telling you how angry and down I am about this team, I choose to "Ask Jim". When are the Titans going to sit Will Levis down and give Mason Rudolph a chance to lead this team? Question 2. It is quickly becoming evident that Levis is not an NFL QB. Do you think the Titans are looking at other QB options next year?
Here is something interesting. This morning sports talk radio here north of the border were absolutely roasting the Titans and laughing at how Malik Willis schooled them and even commenting that the Titans organization may be feeling "sellers remorse" this morning. Worst thing about it is the opinion that Malik just needed to get out of Tennessee to find success. That hurts!

Jim: Hello again, Matt. Well, the Titans make themselves the butt of jokes, I guess, when they turn in a performance like that. But let me ask you this as it relates to Will Levis and Malik Willis: How do you think Malik would have looked if he'd been sacked eight times and hit 12 times, playing behind that Tennessee o-line on Sunday? It's not always the quarterback's fault. I get fans roasting Will after Week 1 and even Week 2. And, his pick-6 on Sunday was bad. But, as I've already said in here, he was hardly the only problem against the Packers. Has he been great so far? No, not even close. But he did some good things on Sunday as well. It's hard to see that with the pick-6 and all the sacks. Again, the team needs to play better around him. And, you really think the Titans are looking at QB options for 2025 right now?

Jason Knight from Cleveland, Tennessee
Question: Hey Jim hope you are doing well. I hope this week hasn't been too bad, but i guess by now you are getting use to it, and that sucks. My question is about how good Willis looked. He never looked that good as a titan, which leads me to question could it be the coaching. I mean LaFluer (I guess that's how you spell it if not my bad) he made Willis look really good, and he hasn't even been in Green Bay that long. How come our coaching staff couldn't get that out of him? The only other thing is could the team maybe find some right side offensive line help or is it to late for that. Thanks for all you do and GOD Bless you and your family

Jim: Hey Jason. Malik looked really good to me as well. LaFleur and the Packers put together a great game plan for him, and the Titans couldn't stop him. Better tackling and execution might've helped. But let's not ignore the fact the Titans helped him improve tremendously since 2022, and coaches spent a lot of time working with him. And I think his biggest strides were made in the past year in Tennessee. The Packers used that against the Titans.

Donald Christensen from Vancouver, Washington
Question: I put $50 on the Titans every year to win the Super Bowl. That's not happening this year, and I'm kind of glad that I won't be hoping for something until it's mathematically impossible to happen most of the year. We got beat by a second tier team and our passed-on quarterback. Amy did us no favors in the off season. I blame her for this mess. I'm not sure what Will is doing and I'm pretty sure neither does he. Brian, hey Brian are you there? Neither is the play calling. Defense wins championships, only if your offense can score points. I'm super depressed. I've been watching since Earl was running over people. Love Ya Blue! Maybe next year.

Jim: Hey Donald. You know it's not mathematically impossible yet, right? … Not sure how the owner gets blamed for what's happened so far. She let the folks she hired make decisions on who to acquire, via free agency and the draft, so if you're not happy with the decisions, then it's on them, not her. And, again, it comes down to the players and coaches getting the job done better on Sundays, and that hasn't been happening.

Terry Anderson from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Question: Hello Jim, missed Sunday's game with an illness. I watched on TV. I am pretty sure our offense will improve as the season progresses. We still have the worst offensive line in the NFL. Left side looks good but the right still pretty crappy. I don't care how many great receivers you have or who the running backs are. Our quarterback can't turn the ball over 2 or 3 times every game. Our defense will have games like today where the offense on the other side is just better coached. We have lots of work to do to get better and win consistently. We pretty good at losing games. Getting in and out of the stadium is hard with the new stadium being built but it will get better since the team is as bad as it is. Callahan hopefully gets to keep his job but at this rate with the amount of money the Titans spent in free agency, this team should be better. Bill Callahan can coach but if the guys he is coaching don't care then he's not going to make a difference. Nicholas Petit-Frere just release him. More problems than he produces on the field. Dillon Radunz has been weak since he arrived. Ran Carthon and Brian Callahan both seem very likable but sometimes you need the tough minded no bs coach. We kinda asked for this when fired Mike. He had this crap roster as far offensive line goes for his last 3 years. Paid all this money for nothing but an 0-3 record. Lost to Willis. Laughable, bet season ticket holders are looking forward to paying for tickets in the new stadium. Have 3 years to figure this out. Maybe we can pick Manning in a couple years. Maybe Arch can turn the franchise around.

Jim: Hope you're feeling better, Terry. I think a lot of Titans fans got an illness watching the game.

Richard Robles from Springfield, Tennessee.
Question: Hi, Jim! We can't lose games like that!! You need to maybe have to acquire Sam Ehlinger from the Colts and acquire him to the Tennessee Titans as the next starting quarterback for next week for the Tennessee Titans. Trade Mason Rudolph to the Minnesota Vikings. But Tennessee Titans need both Will Levis and Mason Rudolph as backup quarterbacks to start Week 4 and have Sam Ehlinger as the starting quarterback to acquire him from the Colts so that the Tennessee Titans get on the winning track again. Titan Up!

Jim: Never thought I'd see Sam Ehlinger as a possible solution to the problem. It's not happening, Richard. And why would the Vikings want to trade for Mason Rudolph? They're 3-0 with Sam Darnold.

Cosme Belmonte from CDMX, Mexico
Question: Hi Jim, it's me again. I was foolish, it's not Will, it's Callahan!
It seems that his arrogance does not allow him to make the relevant change, the offensive line is a disaster, the Callahans are losing their offense.
I'm glad Malik had that performance, he was patient.
What do we do Jim? Shall we return the King home? I don't remember the Oilers/Titans starting 0-3, much less playing so poorly. We are on our way to the first collegiate round next year. In Mexico we say: "it's time to swallow sweet potatoes", it's not Will, it's Callahan...
Greetings Amigo

Jim: Greetings, Cosme. The last time the Titans started 0-3 was in 2009. And, Derrick Henry is not coming back.

Daryl Stjohn from Panama City, Florida
Question: I asked early this year if we was as bad as the media was saying I now say that they where so correct we just got slapped around from are former third string qb at home defense looks bad offensive play calling not good will needs to sit let Rudolph lose a few games I think we should stop production on the new stadium no need to build a beautiful building for other teams fans to fill up with such high hopes this year all for 0 and 3

Jim: Don't be afraid to slide a comma in there, Daryl!

Clint Phillps from Fletcher, North Carolina
Question: Time for Levis to relax and chill on the bench. Possibly eat a couple Mayonnaise biscuits. Maybe it would help him. It's time to see Rudolph and we don't need to wait to Christmas for him to show up.

Jim: Do people really eat Mayonnaise biscuits?

Alan Walker from Alcoa, Tennessee
Question: Well, the Packers game actually answered some questions for me. Willis is a pretty good QB when playing behind a good OL. The past two off-seasons of shoring up our OL is far from done, or they haven't reached their potential yet. It's pretty hard to watch! A young QB (Levis) has to be discouraged and an injury is very, very likely. In my uneducated opinion, how can we make a determination of whether he is a Franchise QB under these conditions? Yes, he maybe held the ball an extra beat when compared to a seasoned veteran, but eight sacks! I'm not very optimistic about this season at this point, in contrast to how I felt after the preseason games. We have a strong defense (until yesterday), a good group of receivers, and a couple of good running backs. With substandard blocking and pass protection, plus a young QB, we haven't found a recipe for success quite yet.

Jim: Appreciate the feedback, Alan.

Fred Trotman from St. Louis, Missouri
Question: Jim, this is the worst I've ever felt about this team in the first 3 games and I'm an optimistic person. I'm happy Malik Willis is getting a chance to show off his talent with a good O-line. Lord knows he didn't get it here. It's still a lot of season left. Just sayin we need to get it together. On another note. We best GB the last time we played and had a string of bad luck of the last few seasons. Maybe this game ends that hex and we play better starting next Monday. Take care

Jim: It was a rough one, Fred, no doubt. Need to win a game.

Matt Jennings from Katy, Texas
Question: Jim. What is the possibility that the NFL decides they only need 31 teams and disbands the Titans? Please make it stop. Give the new stadium to an MLB expansion.

Jim: I see we're back to one-liner szn.

Jack Walker from Calabasas, California
Question: Hey Jim, early in the game I wanted to light up Levis for his poor play... by the end of the game it's dawned on me... we're a rebuilding team destined for 3-14 or something like that. the OL is terrible, worse than last year? Can't make a fair judgement of Levis when he's running for his life. Oh, one last thing... nice to see Malik Willis perform like we all knew he could. And nice to hear his classy words re: the franchise and Miss Amy. It's just a pity our great D and HoF WR's are wasted on a rebuilding team. BTW, look at Brock Bowers, he was my R1 pick a few months ago. So... will it be Shedeur Sanders in RD1 next year or best available RT?

Jim: Hope all is well, Jack. I like Brock Bowers, too, but do you really think Bowers would've changed things against the Packers? Hit me back with the draft talk after the season.

Landon G from Toledo, Ohio
Question: Jim. I know you have not put this message up after the first 2 weeks, but it is time. I am not the only one feeling this way. WE. DESERVE. BETTER. Are the Titans coaches watching the same thing I am? Play after Play. Incompetent line. Incompetent QB. Incompetent special teams. FIGURE IT OUT. WE. DESERVE. BETTER.
If I performed like that at my job for 3 straight weeks, you know what would happen? When will these guys making MILLIONS of dollars a year be held accountable?
Rant over and I feel better. Heard.

Jim: So, in other words, you want everybody benched?

Mortimer Sneed from Chattanooga, Tennessee
Question: I'd like to suggest something different from the fans that have been writing in about Wil Levis. You do not have to be a body language expert to see that he cares a LOT. It seems to me in fact that nobody could care more. When he makes a mistake he holds both hands on top of his helmet like he just accidentally shot his favorite dog. He holds his head down in real agony over the moment.
When he makes a great play he explodes like a bomb. The veins stand out in his neck and every muscle is rigid as he as screams as loud as he can. He can hardly run to his teammates he is so tense. It's so pronounced that I've thought the guy is going to have a heart attack on the field.
Whatever has been tried in these first three games to help his performance is clearly not working. How about helping him get to more of an Aaron Rodgers sort of attitude regarding the things that he can and can't control? Rodgers cares, no doubt. It could be that Wil is so tense, so focused and wants it so badly, that he can't, as Michael Jordan was famous for popularing, find his rhythm.

Jim: Thanks for taking the time, Mortimer.

Taylor Pennington from Milan, Tennessee
Question: First off, I would like to congratulate Malik Willis on his game performance at Nissan Stadium. I would like to know how can a player go to a different organization and have immediate success as he did? I feel like Malik is being used in a system that utilizes his strengths better and it definitely shown. At this point I don't feel the Titans new coaching staff is using the players and show casing what they can really do. Kind of like a putting a square peg in a round hole perspective with the game planning. They were definitely outcoached by Green Bay. Sorry for the negativity but its pretty tough at 0-3 right now and they aren't trending in the right direction. Hey I guess the good thing is when you hit rock bottom you cant do anything but go up right?

Jim: All good, Taylor, but if you think this is rock bottom you haven't been a fan for very long. There have been darker days.

Steve Curry from Cape Canaveral, Florida
Question: Good evening, Jim. There is only one thing I have say about this game: No Comment!

Jim: Enough said, Steve.

Have a great week everyone!

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