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Tuesday Mailbag: Titans Fans React to Sunday's Loss to the Bills


NASHVILLE – On to Detroit.

Well, at least after this mailbag, because I know a lot of Titans want to air out their frustrations after what happened on Sunday against the Bills.

It was an ugly second half, and now the team is 1-5.

I'll spare you the pleasantries, and get right to your questions/comments…

Here's the link to submit questions: CLICK HERE

Andriy Lakusta from Edmonton, AB, Canada
Question: Hello Jim. I hope things are well with you and yours during this, shall we say, rough start to the season. It has been a long time since I have written in, I figured with all the changes that have occurred this year, you'd have enough people filling your mailbag. No question, just an opinion this time.
Anyways, with all the fans that have been going crazy with the bench Levis and play Rudolph talk, and somehow think that will get us to a Super Bowl, or for that matter would have made our record 5-1 or 4-2 at this point, I had to finally chime in. If we are all truthful with ourselves, we all know what Rudolph is. He is a good backup who can handle spot duty, but isn't, after 6 years in the league, all of a sudden going to be a championship starting QB. His stat line this past game wasn't much different than what Levis has produced. Heck, he should have had probably 2 more INTs, and he even tried a "Levis" with that backhand flip to no man's land as he was going down. Am I a huge believer in Levis? No I am not. If anything, what hope I did have for him has pretty much vanished. He has made a plethora of boneheaded mistakes this year and instead of trying to play within the system, he continues to try play hero ball. He does have all the "physical" skills needed to be a QB, but appears to be missing the most important part, and that's the thing between his ears. I get it. Fans want to see wins, or at least competitive football, so do I, but there are a lot more parts of this team that still need improving as well. We're more than just a QB away from being a consistent competitor. Right side O-line, a more consistent pass rush, are just 2 that come to mind without much thought, or in depth analysis. A brand new head coach, who himself is learning how to be a head coach, and for that matter also be a first time play caller, doesn't help either.
So as much as some of the fans are going to hate it, once Levis is healthy he needs to go back in as the starter so we can continue to see if we can somehow manage to get him to grow further. Again, we know what Rudolph is, which is really nothing much better than what Levis is currently. So as much as it may suck, especially in this day in age where everyone wants instant gratification, we need to let this year play out, hope the team plays better, gets a few more wins, and then do an honest re-evaluation once it's over.
I'm sure most people won't agree, but sometimes we need to be realistic. Could the team have a better record? Sure. Were they going to the Super Bowl? No. I didn't even see them making the playoffs to be honest, I just wanted to see improvement. Anyways, think I'll sign off there before I anger any more Titans fans.

Jim: Thanks for taking the time, Andriy. And, I agree with a lot of this.
For a change, this mailbag isn't full of comments from fans ripping, and blaming, Levis. Because, I think folks now realize he's not the only problem with this team. Has Will played well in his five starts this season? No. He's turned the ball over 10 times, and he hasn't made plays when the team needed him to. Is he going to be the team's long-term answer at QB? Right now it doesn't look like it, but I can't say for sure. He's only started 14 games. But I think a lot of folks have been thinking a QB change would solve all if the team's problems, and I think we saw on Sunday that didn't happen. It was more of the same. Not that what happened was all Mason Rudolph's fault either. What I've said all along is a big part of this season was always going to be about finding out whether Will Levis can be the guy moving forward or not. He needs to be better, but a lot of other things need to improve as well. When Levis is healthier, he'll be back out there, and hopefully we'll get a more definitive answer about him moving forward. Maybe the team can win some games along the way as well.

Reinhard Schiendorfer from Fosdinovo, Italy
Question: With 1 out of 6, our position in the standings is heartbreakingly bad.
But if we only look at the first half of the game, we are 4.5 out of 6 with a score of 63-50.
But in the second half of the game we were horribly outscored with (43-94).

This raises 3 questions:
1. do our coaches use up all their flashes of inspiration for the first half gameplan and run out of ideas for the rest of the game?
2. are our coaches' half-time adjustments just less relevant to the final result than those of the opponents?
3. do our players simply have less gas in the tank than their opponents?
What do you think?
For now, I don't want to believe that we are tanking for the draft.
p.s. what happened to DHOP in the second half?

Jim: Hi Reinhard. I wish I could give you an explanation for this. But, you're right. The team has consistently failed to produce in the second half of games. What happened in Chicago turned out to be a sign of things to come. If I knew the answer, I'd say something. As for D-Hop, Callahan said on Monday he was dealing with some lower leg soreness in the second half. If he's healthy, personally, I'd make it more of a priority to throw it to him instead of other guys who aren't taking advantage of their opportunities.

Michael Midkiff from Tennessee
Question: How can we be this bad? I have been an Oilers/Titans fan since 1978 when we drafted Earl Campbell. After all the turnover, after all the players brought in, after all the new staff, how are we this bad?

Jim: Wish I could give you just one reason, Michael. The easy answer is maybe it has something to do with all the changes, and it's taking a while for things to jell. But we all know there have been a lot of issues, from unsteady QB play to a shaky o-line to inconsistent performances by the receivers to the defense's inability to make game-changing plays. The defense was part of the problem on Sunday, especially in the second half. And, oh yeah, the team hasn't been good on special teams. That's why the Titans are 1-5.

Doug Goldstein from Las Vegas, Nevada
Question: Jim, I'd like to thank you for your compassion and empathy during these times of titan despair. You're like my bartender and therapist wrapped into one. Now, let me set my beer down and lay down on the couch.... I've been a fan since the first season in Tennessee. It's been a lot of ups and downs since then but i still hang in there. In all these years, I have yet to attend a game in person as it hasn't been geographically convenient. This season happens to be the somewhat convenient opportunity to travel to LA and SoFi stadium...the same season that might possibly be the worst season I've ever witnessed. Just my luck.
While I'm a bit disappointed that it will be most likely a lousy game, I'm looking forward to the experience.
Ok rant time. The play calling is atrocious. If a simple minded fan such as myself knows what play is coming, the pro's obviously know. Keep Dennard Wilson, get rid of the Callahan clan. A little salt in my wound, Mariota shredded a backup. While I got your attention, I'll take another beer and maybe a shot. Bill me for the session. Thanks for listening

Jim: Good to hear from you Doug. You're living in a lively city. Been there several times. Spent a week there for the Super Bowl last year, and had a busy, but great week. Had a chance to see U2 in the Sphere – as a guest of Chilly Pepper and his wife, Sandra. It was quite the experience. The Titans season, it hasn't been nearly as enjoyable. As for Callahan, he's coaching a team with some shortcomings, so it's not all his fault. Should his team have a better record than it currently has right now? Absolutely. But drawing conclusions on him after six games is premature.

Cody Willoughby from Memphis, Tennessee
Question: What up JW!? I hope you are doing well big dog!
The Titans spent all that money in free agency, brought in new offensive minded coaches and haven't done anything. I can't say I've been impressed with the new head coach. Never called an offensive play in a game in his career… get the ball to Dhop and Ridley. Find a way to get your best players the ball. The snap counts on offense… play Dhop every down. Am I missing something here JW? Where's the brilliant offensive mind that we heard about all offseason? I don't get it, this team on paper looks great. Something is missing and I miss my boy Vrabes. He did way more with a lot less.. What is going on JW!?

Jim: Hanging in there, Cody. Buoyed by my Dodgers, and Commodores. The Titans are killing the vibe around here unfortunately. … The Titans have been trying to get the ball to Ridley, but it's not working out for one reason or another. D-Hop has definitely been underutilized. Been hearing a lot of calls for Vrabel lately. There's no doubt Vrabel did some good things after inheriting a playoff team with plenty of talent. His job was to take the team from good to great, and the Titans won back-to-back division titles on his watch. But let's face it: Things were going the wrong way under his tenure. Let's not forget his team's lost 18 of their last 24 games. Callahan took over a 6-11 team that was starting over, albeit with some good players signed in free agency. While ii looks like a disjointed group so far, he's just six games in as a head coach.

Brady Harris from Nashville, Tennessee
Question: Has Callahan lost control of the team and locker room? When Hopkins didn't play in the fourth quarter and Ridley "dropped" a pass Hopkins was standing next to Callahan and appeared to give Ridley a thumbs up. Perhaps I interpreted what I saw incorrectly but if that in fact was the case it would seem to me that Callahan has lost the respect of this team. Thoughts?

Jim: Not sure about your thumbs up interpretation. You're making quite a leap to say he's lost the locker room based on that. And, good luck finding a 1-5 team with a happy locker room …

Ted Sparks from Bluefield, Virginia
Question: We need to have a veterans quarterback. I don't understand why we didn't keep Ryan Tannehill. With all these weapons on the offense now in the passing game, running backs that can catch the ball out of the backfield. Understand it's a rebuild with the head coaching staff. I have been in Houston Oilers fan, and I have followed the Tennessee Titans from day one this is the worst that we have ever looked.

Jim: It wasn't long ago when folks were filling up this mailbag with Tannehill hate mail. Now we want him back? I guess this is a sign of the times. (And, don't get me wrong here: I always liked Ryan and thought he was underappreciated by a good portion of the fan base).

Gabriel Briggs from Nashville, Tennessee
Question: Callahan going for it on 4th and 2 rather than punting and playing defense with a lead is the equivalent of any Levis gaffe this year. Nonsensical decision at a pivotal moment in the game and undeniably responsible for shifting its momentum. My question is where are the grownups in the locker room? It's one thing to play loose and take chances in an away game against a tough opponent, but the game plan is as safe and conservative as we saw against the Colts. The only difference is Rudolph executes the offense more effectively than Levis. Give this team a chance to win a game and fans a chance to root for them with confidence.

Jim: Hi Gabriel. The way the second half played out, I don't think the Titans were going to win the game no matter what happened on that fourth down play. But, it was definitely a turning point in the game.

D Dodson from Crossville, Tennessee
Question: Hello Jim! I guess I have never seen the Titans look worse than Sunday. 34 unanswered points leads me to believe the team has completely given up on winning. We have a good defense but the team has to score points to win. We do not have any players on the offense who even look like they are competing. With no blockers, no wide receivers who can get open, and a gameplan that never changes, in spite of being shut down, why should fans continue to support this team? Go ahead and tell me it's still early in the season, our line needs to block better , we are trying to discover who our quarterback is, and our receivers need to do a better job at getting open. That should have been discussed with the team pre season. I kind of feel bad that Nashville is building a new stadium for a team that never delivers on the football field. At least there will be a place for visiting teams to outnumber Titans fans 2-1 and enjoy downtown Nashville after their wins.

Jim: Hey D. I admit, it was bad. Really bad in the second half. But I promise you, I've seen worse. I was at the 59-0 game against the Patriots. And, let's not let the defense completely off the hook – the Bills didn't punt in the second half.

Chris Allen from Houston, Texas
Question: I know you get a lot of negativity and doubt you will want to answer questions that have to do with folks jobs but man come on. We gave vrabel so much heat over aukerman in which truly we kept way too long maybe shouldn't have been in the position. But this is truly Round 2. Our special teams are so poorly coached. Week in and week out from punt blocks to more punt blocks to penalties two weeks in a row to start games. Holding calls on a good return. And then as we take a 10-0 lead the unit gives a big return to set up a touchdown drive. It literally gave momentum and flipped the game. This unit outside of folk have done little to show improvement or being well coached. Not to mention we never block punts or field goals. Why will we not make a change? This is a performance driven league. Simple.

Jim: Hey Chris. You're right on two fronts. I'm not going to endorse folks getting fired in here. The team website is not the place for that. You're also right that the play on special teams has been an issue through six games this season. Too many mistakes, too many penalties. I also look at this team right now and see a lot of problems aside from the special teams unit.

Mike Severtson from Whitney, Texas
Question: Hey, Jim. Big fan of your work. I've been a die hard of this franchise since Warren Moon's first year in the league when I was a season ticket holder. Sat through a lot of lot great and terrible games. Despite all of the team's flaws I will be a die hard fan for life. Now for my question. Really nothing about the Bills game or even this season. I love the Titans app and use it to keep somewhat of a live track on their games since I RARELY get coverage here in Cowboy country. It would be really helpful if the home game screen gave the yard line where the current play is taking place. Seems like the techies in the organization could figure that one out. Much easier than Callahan's job of getting this team (or any variation thereof) a Lombardi trophy. 🤣. Thanks again for your work.

Jim: Hey Mike. I'm always impressed by how many emails/questions/comments I get from folks in Texas. There's no doubt this team has a lot of fans in your state. Here's the answer on the app: All NFL team apps are built by 3rd party vendors, not by team employees. That being said, the folks in our digital department that oversee are working every day with that vendor to improve the game day experience in a number of ways for fans both attending the game and watching on TV. A better play-by-play and drive chart experience is on the current roadmap, hopefully to be completed and launched soon. Tap the Game Center button now, and you'll find live stats, box scores and all the video, photo and written content from the game. For fans that don't already have the app, make sure you get it, because there's lots of great features, content and contests and sweepstakes you can't access anywhere else:
Have a great week, Mike.

Rob Haye from Ontario, Canada
Question: Hey Jim, I don't envy you being the recipient of what I am sure are a lot of frustrated fan emails in your in box after another poor showing on Sunday.
What is it with this team and second half football, did they not get the memo these are 4 qtr games, every week its the same crap.
Let's face it that 4th down call by Coach Callahan had to be the worst call thus far, talk about a momentum changeover. There are no analytics that says he should have tried it, given on 3rd down they got stuffed running the same play, this game went straight downhill after that call, and yes everyone can say but if we made, but the fact is we didn't, so focus on the facts. Maybe coach should relinquish the offensive play calling to his OC and focus on trying to be a head coach, because so far he's not lighting it up. Lets face it, our offense is terrible, play calling is terrible, we have NO QB at all, our defense just got lit up by a proven QB, oh and were off to Detroit next week.
At this point, just looks like another lost titan season, Carthon should be on the phone at this point trying to obtain some draft capital going into trade deadline, and deal away some of our pending FA's.
Ridley, so far, is looking like a possible bust at 90M F/A signing. Hopkins on the sidelines, has to be wondering what the heck is going on.
But here is a question: When Carthon and Callahan built this team in off season, it would appear they were really going for a pass focus offense, with running backs who could catch the ball, would you agree? Right now, it appears they really cant do either.

Jim: Hey Rob. I understand your frustration. The Titans have been giving the naysayers a lot of ammunition. You make a lot of fair points, stuff that's fair game to question. I do think Tony Pollard and Tyjae Spears can catch.

Eric McClellan from Paducah, Kentucky
Question: Ugh.

Jim: Enough said.

Daylen Bills from Salt Lake City, Utah
Question: Hey Jim. Been a while since I've written in. Boy, this season has not panned out the way anyone has hoped. I've got a couple questions I'm hoping you can shed some light on. The first is about some of our staff. Outside of Callahan and Dennard every member of the staff that's been put in front of media just doesn't seem like they have "it." Holtz just sounds like every question he's asked is "too big" for him to give a decent answer to. Fumbling over every other word. I don't think anyone has confidence in any answer he or Colt on special teams gives. Is it just me? Are we finally seeing the staff for what they are? A bunch of Callahan's friends? Or is there more to it then meets the eye? The results on the field certainly don't lead me to believe any different.
Second, where do we go from here? Levis is hurt but even despite the injury he has unarguably regressed. And that's being generous. Last season there were flashes but I just don't see how Levis progresses to being anything more than a head case with a strong arm. I think it's clear the team is giving him the reigns the rest of the season. But, what's your speculation on who is playing QB for Tennessee in 2025? We've tapped the draft well twice now in two years and seem to have come up empty. Trade for/sign a vet? Make any changes this season? Give us some hope, Jim! Thanks as always!

Jim: Thanks for writing in, Daylen. I'm not going to start pointing fingers at this staff. There are some really good coaches on this staff. Nick Holz is in a tough spot, the OC who is not calling plays. Colt Anderson has had to face a lot of difficult questions, because his unit keeps opening itself up for scrutiny. The special teams unit needs to be better, more consistent, for sure. But Callahan didn't hire these guys because they're "friends" of his.
As far as where the team goes from here at quarterback, Levis is going to be the starter when he is healthy. I'm not speculating beyond that, certainly not to 2025.

Scott Caldwell from Dresden, Ohio
Question: Dear Jim. First of all, thank you for what you do. You are the one bright spot and interesting thing I enjoy, attached to this team.
My questions are, once again: What is happening to this team?!!! Why did the defense vanish in this game? Why was Hopkins standing on the side lines looking like trade bait when he could have been utilized in the fourth quarter? Why can't Ridley catch a clutch pass ever? Why were more shots not taken early down the field?
Looks like to me,doesn't matter who the quarterback is for the Titans. Same old problems: horrible offensive line , bad quarterback play , horrible predictable play calling , overpaid injury prone free agent acquisitions who don't produce, and exhausted defensive players ,because they always on the field thanks to the ineffective offense.
Once again, I ask,do we draft a quarterback or an offensive lineman next year?
I remain a fan despite the anguish, thanks for allowing me to vent.

Jim: I appreciate you reading, Scott, and for the kind words. I wish I had some solutions.
You raise some fair questions. I say fair, because the way this team has been playing, it's fair to question what the heck is going on. I'm not going to sit here and tell you this team should be 6-0 at this point. But it shouldn't be 1-5.

John Burnett from Dickson, Tennessee
Question: Well despite a decent start the wind was knocked out of the Titan's sails with not only a questionable, GO FOR IT on a 4th down in Bills territory but an atrocious play call on the ensuing play where Pollard was stuffed. I still don't understand how none of the so-called elite WRs can get open beyond a 10-yard line. Short passes seem to be all the Titans are capable of. Right tackle is still undecided and it showed again today. Can you give me any insight Jim, as to what you see. When that poor call on the 4th down failed I told my wife, that's it, the game is lost. Sure enough, the Bills showed why they are a good team as they ran away with the game. Also, was Hopkins limited in his playing time so he didn't risk injury? I do believe he'll be traded. What do you think? Thanks for listening to my rants Jim. I have to rant to someone because my wife said she doesn't want to hear anymore. lol

Jim: I hear ya, John. Personally, I disliked the play call more than the decision to go for it. As for right tackle, it's been an glaring weakness all season. ... I don't think the Hopkins being a non-factor on Sunday had anything to do with a potential trade. I'm not sure what's going to happen with him on that front, because I don't know what other teams might be thinking. Feel free to keep airing out your frustrations in here. Might make things easier at home with the wife. 😊

Chuck Rhoten from Kingsport, Tennessee
Question: Jim same results, no offense 4-5 yard passes. Ridley needs to stop complaining if he is not going to catch the ball. Was there anything wrong with D-Hop? He was out a lot in the 4th quarter. RT looked bad again. I know Duncan was injured but still need better line play. A lot of pressure up the middle. The line seems confused. We just don't look like a tough team. I hate to say it but our defense gave up in the 4th quarter. I know there aren't too many left unsigned but they can't be much worse. I do think our HC is not doing a good job or his assistants, but this is his first time being a HC and calling plays so I hope he improves. Play Levis the rest of the year and if he cannot slow things down, make good decisions, and play on time, draft a QB next year.

Jim: Thanks for weighing in Chuck.

Anthony Jasso from Pearland, Texas
Question: No questions Jim, although, thank you for what you do for our Titans Mr. Jim Wyatt... I've been an Oilers/Titans fan my entire life. I'm 51 years old, I was born an Oiler, I will die a Titan. Our Titans this year has struggled. We all have high hopes to instantly turn this organization into a 5000 yard passing team with Will Levis. The transition has been tough to watch. Since the days of Steve and Eddie, the days of CJ2K and Lendale White, and the magical days of King Henry and the AFC championship run. This new Titans team, is still finding themselves. I still believe in the process, but that is what this is, a process. However, a huge However, I believe this team is hugely better than their record. With this (1-5) start this team and our fans are at a crossroads. We love our team no matter what, but it's time for our team to decide. Get together and work together, if not, let's go full blown rebuild.... Titan Up! No matter what

Jim: I appreciate you taking the time, Anthony. It's been a rough year, and I get the sense a lot of fans are jumping ship. I see it in here, and on social media. The only way to Titans can keep this from happening is by playing better, and winning. That didn't happen on Sunday. It's going to be hard to do this coming Sunday in Detroit as well. If the Titans don't step it up, they could get embarrassed.

Have a great week everyone!

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