NASHVILLE, Tenn. —The Titans kicked-off "Titans Tuesdays' this week with their longtime partner, Southeast United Dairy Industry Association and visited students at Dupont Tyler Middle School. DL DaQuan Jones, NT Sylvester Williams and DT Jurrell Casey visited the students to educate them about the Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP60) program and encourage them to live active and healthy lifestyles by playing or exercising for at least 60 minutes each day in addition to fueling up with healthy foods such as low-fat and fat-free dairy.
Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP60), the nation's largest in-school wellness program, which is a partnership between the National Football League (NFL) and the National Dairy Council (NDC), in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Dairy Farmers fund the program and provide schools access to grants to make sustainable changes, as well as the Southeast United Dairy Industry Association, Inc. (SUDIA) here locally. FUTP60 empowers students to live active and healthy lifestyles by playing or exercising for at least 60 minutes each day and fueling up with healthy foods such as low-fat and fat-free dairy. The program is designed to combat childhood obesity and promote lifelong health.
"Healthier students are better students," said Joan Benton, manager of school health and wellness and Titans Relations with Southeast United Dairy Industry Association, Inc. "Research shows healthy eating and physical activity can improve academic performance. It is very exciting to see how the partnership with the Titans and the Fuel Up to Play 60 program is helping students succeed in the classroom by encouraging them to get active and eat nutrient-rich foods like low-fat dairy, whole grains, fruits and vegetables."
Hunger is a real issue that many children struggle with each day and schools play a vital role in feeding those children. Busy weekday mornings make it a challenge for families to find time for a healthy breakfast. Statistics show that one in five Tennessee students come to school hungry and do not receive the healthy foods they need to fight illness or concentrate in class, which leads to missed school days. New research shows that better nutrition starting with nutrient-packed foods like low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese, fruit, vegetables and whole grains, coupled with increased physical activity can lead to better academic achievement. All students deserve a chance to be great at what is important to them.
"Just to see the interaction between our players and these kids lets you know that we are doing great things with our partners at SUDIA," said Titans Director of Marketing Brad McClanahan. "It's such an important message for kids to hear about eating healthy & fueling your body and if they listen a little more closely because a Titans player says it, all the better!"
Fuel up to Play 60 continues to #FuelGreatness by encouraging students to start their day with proper nutrition," New research shows that better nutrition starting with breakfast, coupled with increased physical activity can lead to better academic achievement.
Good nutrition and physical activity help ensure a strong and high-achieving generation of youth. Access to nutritious, affordable food and 60 minutes of play a day will continue to help kids "fuel their greatness" inside and outside the classroom.
Titans Tuesdays kicked off with Southeast United Dairy Industry Association and students at Dupont Tyler Middle School. (photos: Lynne McCracken)