Nashville, Tenn - The Titans hosted 'Girls on the Run' for their fall coaches training session at Saint Thomas Sports Park on Saturday.
The training began with a presentation reviewing the objectives of the program and effective ways to deliver the material. At times, the coaches were asked to participate in role play scenarios to better prepare themselves for the real setting.
Girls on the Run is designed to inspire girls to reach their full potential through a structured curriculum focused on understanding oneself, valuing relationships and connecting with the world.
The Titans hosted 'Girls on the Run' for their fall coaches training session at Saint Thomas Sports Park, Saturday. (Photos: Brittany Selbert)

"Coaches are the heart of Girls on the Run. They are more than just running coaches," said Tiffany Patton, executive director of Girls on the Run. "They are mentors that guide girls for 12 weeks through self-exploration and discovery. We cannot run our program without our coaches."
After a quick lunch break, the fun began as the coaches made their way to the Titans practice field to take a more hands-on approach. Each coach had the opportunity to perform sample lessons, learn running activities and reenact "energy awards," which are creative ways to praise the girls for accomplishments and good behavior.
"I think seeing the growth of some of our girls through this process will be really great," said Christina Glover, middle school social studies teacher at Brick Church College Prep. "I think it'll be a great opportunity for them to build some great relationships and understand that growing up isn't a bad thing."
To conclude the training, Patton emphasized the importance of proper refuel and hydration along with other important safety precautions and tips. She reminded the coaches to have fun and be the type of leader a Girl on the Run should aspire to be.
The fall season kicks off in August and there is still time to volunteer. If interested, visit
About Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run is a non-profit program providing girls in the third through eighth grade life skills using an experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. The program was founded in 1996 and is now serving more than 130,000 girls in 200 cities across North America.