NASHVILLE, Tenn.** -- Friday night's practice featured a unique opportunity for the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders. The 'Dancing Dolls' dance team from Lifetime channel's show 'Bring It' joined the Titans Cheerleaders for a combined meet-and-greet practice.
As a big fan of the show, Director of Cheerleaders Stacie Kinder was thrilled her team had the opportunity to dance with the Dolls.
"It was great to meet the Dancing Dolls.," said Kinder. "They do so much stuff that's similar to us, just at a high school level and it was great for us to learn from them, and then I think them to learn from us too."
The show began in March of 2014 and was renewed for a second season set to begin this
Wednesday July 23. The Dolls, comprised of dancers aged seven to 17, have more than 15 Grand Champion titles and 100 trophies.
Dolls coach Dianna Williams, or Miss D as she's known to her team, founded the group in 2001. In addition to being a prominent dance coach, Miss D teaches her dancers other important life values such as the importance of a good education.
The joint practice began with the Titans Cheerleaders teaching one of their routines to the Dolls. The Dolls then reciprocated by turning the tables and becoming the instructors.
The night ended with a back-and-forth dance battle that lasted three different rounds. There was no winner announced but the Titans Cheerleaders admitted they were probably on the losing end.
"Losing the stand battle was expected since we don't do that," said Kinder. "What we learned was how hard they work. I don't think it comes across on the show, you don't really realize how hard it is and how hard their choreography is, and that was great for us to see. It was also great for my girls to come out of their shell and do something that's different from what we do at a Titans game. So it was fun for us just to be different."
Kayla, the Dolls' captain, was impressed with what she saw from the Titans Cheerleaders.
Go behind the scenes with the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders as they shoot their 2014 headshots.

"This was their first time battling, they told me, so I feel like they did great for it to be their first time," said Kayla. "But I think they learned something from us."
After the practice concluded, Miss D explained that her team had just as much to take away from the night as the Titans Cheerleaders. It became clear that the world of coaching dance is pretty similar, no matter the age or style.
"I think we learned more about the whole professional cheerleading world," Miss D said. "You know Stacie is an amazing coach. I love her energy, it's infectious, you know what I mean? I learned that being a professional cheerleader and being a community dance coach like myself is kind of the same thing.
"It's so much of everything, you know, it's just on a different level," she continued. "She's professional, we're more community based. I work with kids, she works with adults."
Mutual respect and admiration were the themes of the night shared by both teams. Titans Cheerleader Yalea expressed that this would be a practice she'd never forget.
"I am so shocked that number one, Stacie was able to pull this off, and number two, that they actually came, and number three, they are just very down to earth," said Yalea. "I watch the show religiously and I thought that they were going to be so much different, but they are so awesome. Some of us got it a little better than others, but they taught us some of their moves and I can't wait to practice, because I will be a Dancing Doll one day."