I think I'm falling in love with the island of Kwaj!! We ride our bikes everywhere on the island. Today's reakfast started off with a visit to the bakery on the island. Our first visit was to the Children's Development Center, a preschool for babies up to four. The children were adorable, and they especially loved Freddie the Falcon.
Titans cheerleader Julia visits schools on her fourth day of supporting U.S. troops with Armed Forces Entertainment in the Pacific Islands.

I helped facilitate "Freddie says" instead of your traditional "Simon says" game. We visited with all the kids before we went to lunch. We had a short break that allowed me to catch up on some work. Since I own my own business, that means work doesn't always stop when I travel, so it was nice to get caught up.
In the afternoon we headed over to the high school, where we talked to all of the students and taught a dance clinic to the girls. I really love teaching, so this was especially fun for me. The girls were thrilled and really gave it their all during our clinic, making it even more rewarding for us. After the clinic we headed over to the Youth and Teen Center and signed autographs for the kids. We played a few games and I helped out an 8th grader with his history homework (he's definitely going to get an A on that one).
Our last appearance of the day was at the community rec center, which was opened up to everyone on the island. We took pictures with lots of kids. I even got my baby fix when I got to hold an adorable fourth-month old named Jacks.
Our day ended with a gorgeous boat ride and dinner at the local yacht club, which was very casual and fun. I think I could get used to eating beach side!!! As I mentioned before, we bike everywhere on the island, and our trip home was one for the records. We were riding against 10-15 mph winds and I felt like I was in the hardest spin class of my life!!! But I can't complain -- it worked off my supper!!
Tomorrow we are traveling back in time as we head back to Honolulu for the night. I have to say our group has been really incredible. It's amazing how we can come together from all parts of the country without knowing each other, and instantly seem like we are long-term friends.
Be sure and check in tomorrow for more updates!!