Hello Titans Fans!
I am finally back home, and what a trip it was!
My last two days were amazing, just like the entire adventure. After spending one night in Honolulu we caught another seven-hour flight to Guam. We crossed the international dateline three times in seven days, so we weren't exactly sure what day it was since we keep jumping forward a day or going backwards.
We heard Guam was going to be beautiful, but it was even prettier than I could have ever imagined. We didn't have time to go to a beach, but the view from our hotel was incredible.
Titans cheerleader Julia looks back on her amazing trip to the Pacific Islands through ProTour Productions, and Armed Forces Entertainment.

We started the day at Anderson Air Force Base. On our way to the base we got to hear a lot about the history of the island. what it was like when it was occupied by the Spanish and Japanese people and what landmarks are still remaining from WWII.
Once we arrived on base we were treated to lunch and then moved into a gym to start our clinic. We all introduced ourselves to the kids and their families, splitting up and our two players, Terrence Holt and Dre Bly, along with our two mascots, Freddie Falcon and T-rac, taught a football clinic to the boys. The cheerleaders taught a clinic to girls ranging in age from six to 17.
Afterwards we signed posters and visited with the families on base. Several of them mentioned that they don't get very many visitors from the states and a few even said how happy they were to hear another southern accent.
T-rac was a big hit with the kids and even the ladies!
We ventured out for a seafood dinner on the strip downtown. It reminded me of what Green Hills mall would be like if it were an outdoor mall. Everything was extremely nice.
Since we were 16 hours ahead of Nashville, the Super Bowl was set be aired at 9:30 on Monday morning. We headed home early so we could rest up for a good game the next day.
They had a great Super Bowl setup on game day. On one side of the building was a Naps restaurant from Montgomery, Ala. (which was special since I'm from Tuscaloosa). Then on the other side of the building was a pub and large open room with comfy seats and a big screen. They treat Super Bowl Monday like a holiday on base, so there were lot of people there.
T-rac and I met a loyal Titans fan, he actually lived in Nashville when the Titans came to town and tries to make it back as often as he can. It's amazing that we were literally half a world away and yet I got to spend the morning sharing Nashville stories with a fan that's lived all over the world.
We got a chance to perform for the crowd and watched the rest of the game as we mingled with the people and voiced our appreciation for what they do.
After the nail-biting ending, we were fortune enough to get a tour of the USS Chicago, which is a Los Angeles class submarine. It was amazing!! We got a full tour of all three floors, including the tournedos. The ship holds 140 men and can stay out for a month. Everyone was so nice and I think T-Rac enjoyed it the most. Who knew our raccoon was such a war buff!
We ended the day with a beach dinner and enjoying the new friendships we've made with each other over the last 10 days.
This trip will always hold a special place in my heart. When I was on the team previously from 2006-11 trips like this were not available to us as cheerleaders, but it was always something we dreamed about. Also, my grandfather was in WWII and even received a Navy Cross for sinking a Japanese battleship near the Philippines. My grandfather died the weekend of my very first Titans game back in 2006, so this trip came full circle for me. Hearing stories from the war and seeing everything first hand allowed me to really feel how hard it was and what a sacrifice it is to serve.
I want to thank the Titans organization, ProTour Productions, and Armed Forces Entertainment for allowing me the opportunity to go on this trip. And once again, a huge thank you to all the men and women serving our country and protecting our freedom.