We are kicking off the 2013 season with our first Titans Cheerleader spotlight on 2nd-year veteran, Ashley A. Ashley is a native Nashvillian who taught school in Spain for a year before auditioning for the team. She's a young woman with a lot of experience who brings a wealth of unique knowledge to the team. Read more to learn all about Ashley A.!
You are entering your second year on the team. What did you do to prepare for auditions this year that was different from last year?
I worked equally hard to prepare for this year's tryouts, if not harder, because I knew what was expected of me. I didn't change any goals of mine in comparison to last year's tryouts; although, I was more strict and specified with my goals, because I knew what I was capable of this time around. I continued to weight train, run, and eat clean, but by using different techniques. One noticeable difference was that the choreography and performance aspects came more naturally to me this year, because of the practice and repetition during my first season. I definitely felt that my rookie year taught me a lot about my own dance style and look, which gave me confidence and readiness for the 2013 tryout process.
[ ![]() ](http://www.titansonline.com/team/cheerleaders/ashley_a/da14b651-ee40-4ed1-87f9-99dfab4397f5) |
Meet Ashley A. and the rest of the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders! |
What is the one thing that you love most about being a Tennessee Titans Cheerleader?
I love being able to attend community events and spend time with Titans fans. I can relate and have a heart for our young fans since I also grew up admiring the Titans Cheerleaders. It was such a joy being able to be a part of Play 60 events and Junior Titans last year, because I was able to connect with the children in our city. I also love game days, because there is so much excitement as Nashville comes together to support and help us cheer on our Titans team! There is truly nothing like it and it is quite amazing to witness and take part in this unified rally for the love of the game.
What do you do to stay fit? What is your favorite workout to do?
The most important things I do to ensure that I stay healthy and fit are to eat very clean based on a personal nutrition plan and to run 3-6 miles 5-6 times a week. I also weight train at least three times a week to tone and sculpt. Enjoying a workout with friends and family makes sweating a lot more fun, so I occasionally try to attend classes at local studios, such as Hot Box and Barry's Bootcamp, or just meeting at Percy Warner for a hike. I have always been an active person by being involved in cheerleading, track and training throughout my life, so I am a firm believer in being on a consistent regime to feel and look your best.
What is your best game day beauty tip or ritual?
My best beauty tip is eight hours of sleep the night before game day. I have found that this is essential for me to look refreshed and feel energized in order to best cheer on our Titans to victory.
What is on your bucket list?
I love adventures and living life to the fullest, so some things I would include on my bucket list would be: overcoming my fear of flying by sky diving, returning to Africa for medical missions, attending culinary school in Paris, skiing the Swiss Alps, revisiting Florence, Italy (my favorite place on earth) with someone I love, being a contestant on The Amazing Race (competing AND world travel!), writing a book for children or teen girls, swimming with dolphins, visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios, and learning how to play an instrument.
Which do you prefer......
Hip-Hop or Jazz?
Hip-Hop. I am such a lover of music. I am always playing songs by creative artists, such as Kendrick Lamar, The Weeknd, and Kanye West, whether it be to motivate me during a workout or just dance around to the beat.
Spaghetti or lasagna?
Spaghetti. I only allow myself to enjoy this delicious meal on special occasions, but when I do my mom's home-cooked spaghetti recipe is a favorite.
Gatorade or water?
Water, definitely. I always try to consume at least 3 Liters of water daily. This helps me to feel energized, full, and gives my skin a healthy glow.
Staying in or going out?
I think a good balance of both is healthy. I love meeting friends out to enjoy a Nashville night of music and dancing, but I also have just as much fun staying in and watching a scary movie (my favorite).
Yoga or Pilates?
Yoga. I weight train on a consistent basis, so yoga allows me to stretch and lengthen my body. It is also very relaxing and provides a peaceful place to disconnect for a moment from my busy life.
What has been your best moment as a Tennessee Titans Cheerleader thus far?
Every moment has seemed to qualify as "the best," but if I have to choose I must say stepping onto the field for the first time and cheering for my hometown team was an absolute dream come true. I have grown up a fan and attended Titans games all my life, so that was a really special moment.
[ ![]() ](http://www.titansonline.com/team/cheerleaders/ashley_a/da14b651-ee40-4ed1-87f9-99dfab4397f5) |
What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?
I have my Masters Degree in Teaching and have recently returned to school to pursue another degree. I have found two important things to be true about myself in regards to career: I am committed to my purpose of loving children and I am a life-long learner always seeking new opportunities and ways of serving in this world, whether that be in Chicago, Africa, Spain, or here in Nashville.
What is your dance background and how did it lead you to TTC auditions?
Ever since I was a little girl, dancing has brought me complete happiness, so I wanted to take a chance and tryout for the Titans in the hopes of being able to do what I love at the highest level possible. While I grew up taking dance lessons, my main focus was cheerleading. I cheered for all of my school squads as well as competition teams that heavily involved dance. My cheerleading experiences allowed me to have the capacity to advance my dance technique through training for TTC tryouts.
Five words to describe you:
Compassionate, outgoing, spontaneous, athletic and driven.
What advice did you get from the veterans throughout your rookie season?
Some of the best advice I was given was to try my absolute hardest in all aspects and to not take a single moment for granted. There is no guarantee that experiences will happen again in life, so I cherished every part of my first year from cheering at my first game on the field to late night team practices. I consider it all such a blessing and take time to be thankful for being on this team.
What preparations do you recommend to a young lady auditioning for the TTC for the first time?
I would recommend attending the VIP workshop and other pre-tryout clinics in order to become knowledgable about what is expected of a Tennessee Titans Cheerleader. It is very important to invest a lot of time in advance by focusing on nutrition and training to enhance your physique and taking dance lessons to work on performance skills. If you are not from Tennessee or are unfamiliar with the organization then you should study facts about the Titans history, roster, and check out our cheerleader page on TitansOnline. Set goals for yourself along your tryout journey; this will help you to stay focused and actively seek the main goal which is ultimately to make the team!