NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- The Tennessee Titans partnered with the Southeast United Dairy Industry Association to host a luncheon at LP Field Thursday afternoon for the Tennessee Obesity Task Force in support of the to Fuel Up to Play 60 program.
More than 100 educators and businesses from across East, Middle and West Tennessee attended, receiving recognition for their efforts and creative strategies for healthy eating and active living to support the Play 60 initiative.
The Titans partnered with the Southeast United Dairy Association to host a luncheon for the Tennessee Obesity Task Force. (Photos: Lynne McCracken)

Titans Director of Marketing, Brad McClanahan welcomed Southeast United Dairy and the Tennessee Obesity Task Force thanking them for the relationship and the opportunity to support the Play 60 initiative.
"Organizations like Southeast United Dairy Industry and the Tennessee Obesity Task Force are to be applauded for their diligence in striving to improve the health and well-being of our younger generation. The Titans are proud to partner with them, while at the same time advancing the Fuel Up to play 60 messages across our state," McClanahan said.
Kenneth Adams, IV, Titans Director of Public and Charitable Affairs addressed the group on the important of the NFL's Play 60 campaign and the positive impact that the program has made in local schools and the community.
"The Titans are delighted to join the Southeast United Dairy Industry Association and the Tennessee Obesity Task Force in putting on a special Play 60 event! As we all know, childhood obesity is a difficult problem facing Tennessee and the US as a whole. The NFL's Play 60 movement has been its flagship vehicle for showing young children the value of 60 minutes of physical play a day. This event is unique in that it brings the two most important elements of healthy living together, eating right and getting plenty of exercise."
Titans wide receiver Marc Mariani joined the group for the afternoon and participated in activities to express his ongoing support of the NFL Play 60 initiative and the importance of a healthy eating lifestyle and staying active.
"The Fuel Up to Play 60 program has been at the top of my agenda for a few years now. The NFL, the Titans, the State of Tennessee, Dairy Farmers Association and the Tennessee Obesity Task Force all are supporting the initiative and importance for today's youth to get the right nutrition by eating right."
"These days are special to me and being able to give back to programs like this is gratifying."
"In today's world, with all the technology and video games, it's important for kids to be active. I grew up in Montana and I was always outside. It's important to teach kids at a young age to try new things, eat right and be active."
The NFL Play 60 campaign is designed to tackle childhood obesity by getting kids active through in school, afterschool and team-based programs. The Southeast Dairy Association and the Titans work together to help make wellness part of the game plan in Tennessee schools through the Play 60 campaign/Fuel Up to Play 60. The program encourages schools to make healthy changes in students' eating habits and physical activity.
In addition, Southeast United Dairy partners with the Tennessee Obesity Task Force and it is their mission to reduce the burden of obesity in Tennessee focusing on interventions and preventing diseases rather than treating them. Their goal is to help provide education on nutrition and a physical activity plan to reduce obesity and chronic disease.
"We are excited about the opportunity to expand the Fuel Up To Play 60 program in Tennessee schools with the support of the Tennessee Obesity Taskforce members. Healthy students are better students, which is what Fuel Up To Play 60 is all about! The program, launched by the National Dairy Council and the NFL, is focused on getting students to "fuel up" with nutrient-rich foods like low-fat & fat-free milk, fruits, vegetables and whole grains and to "get up and play" for 60 minutes a day," said Joan Benton, Manager of School Health and Wellness, with the Southeast United Dairy Industry Association, Inc.
Whether you are a parent, educator or friend, you can have a positive influence and make a difference in a child's life by encouraging them to eat well and play for 60 minutes a day.