"We want to continue to give our volunteers ways to participate in our outreach programs," said Wayne Elsey, Founder and CEO of Soles4Souls. "There are hurting people all over and we encourage you to get involved with us by donating shoes or money to help us expand our worldwide reach."
On Wednesday, March 26, 2008, from 11 a.m. until 12 p.m., Titans safety Chris Hope, along with Soles4Souls staff, will be on hand to fit each guest of the mission with their new pairs of shoes. The Nashville Rescue Mission is located at 639 LaFayette Street in downtown Nashville.
About Soles4Souls
Soles4Souls™ facilitates the donations of shoes, which will be used to aid the hurting worldwide. The organization has distributed more than 3 million pairs of shoes since January 2005 (or one pair of shoes every 28 seconds). Shoe companies, retailers, and individuals can donate both new and "gently worn" footwear. Soles4Souls is a 501(c)(3) recognized by the IRS; donating parties are eligible for tax advantages. For more information about Soles4Souls, please call (866) 521-SHOE, or visit www.giveshoes.org or www.soles4souls.org.
About the Nashville Rescue Mission**
The Nashville Rescue Mission is so much more than "three hots and a cot." Each year we graduate about 140 men and women from our life recovery program. Participants in our seven-month program begin true recovery from life degrading problems and are able to assimilate back into the community to become productive citizens.
Everything we do at the Nashville Rescue Mission starts with a meal. We do this three times a day, 365 days a year. This is step number one in planting the seed that life doesn't have to be lived on the streets of Nashville. Through prayer and inspiration evoked by our Chaplains, many of the homeless make the transition in to our recovery program.
The mission has served over 510,000 meals in 2007 with beds being used nearly 220,000 times in 2007. For more information or donations please call 615.255.2475 or online at www.nashvilleresuemission.org