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George Wilson Visits Gra-Mar Middle School for Titans Play 60 School Program

NASHVILLE, Tenn. —The Tennessee Titans kicked off the "2013 Titans Tuesday school season" today with a visit to Nashville's Gra-Mar Middle School.  The students welcomed the Titans crew who put on their "Titans Play 60" production. 


The Play 60 production is filled with interactive videos with various Titans players, including a taped "Skyping" visit with Titans head coach Mike Munchak. Coach Munchak stressed the importance of studying and being prepared to the students.

The Titans Play 60 program is an NFL initiative to encourage student to be the healthiest and most active generation ever by encouraging students to get 60 minutes of exercise each and every day! 

In partnership with the Tennessee State Parks, the Southeast United Dairy Industry Association and the American Heart Association, the students were taught the importance of eating healthy and living an active lifestyle. The Titans have enjoyed a long-standing relationship with Metro Schools, visiting thousands of students during the season in a tradition that began in 1998.

"The Titans 'tradition of caring' is directly related to our commitment to assist educators at area schools to achieve their goal of preparing today's youth for a successful journey through life," Titans Owner K.S. "Bud" Adams, Jr. has stated. "We as an organization will continue our effort to play a vital role in developing our most precious resources-our children."

The real surprise came when the students had the opportunity to meet Titans safety George Wilson.  Wilson talked about what he remembers best when he was in middle school and the importance of studying hard and listening to teachers. Wilson also told the students the importance of not getting involved in gangs, drugs, or alcohol.  When Wilson explained the amount of time a professional athlete puts in each day, the audience was amazed.


After the Play 60 program, a select group of 25 students was treated to a sit-down conversation with Wilson. The students were thrilled to learn from a pro what it is like to play football in the NFL. One student wanted to know how many interceptions George has made (the answer is 12, so far).   

At the conclusion of the program, the students received a Titans school folder to help them stay organized and to remember to Play 60.  Dr. Antoinette Williams, Gra-Mar's principal, was presented an official Titans football autographed by Wilson to be displayed in the school's trophy case.

To learn more about the Titans Play 60 program, Fuel Up to Play 60, The Play 60 Challenge, and the Tennessee State Parks follow the links below.          


The Titans "Play 60" initiative encourages youth to get at least sixty minutes of physical activity or play per day in effort to fight childhood obesity. With the help of local non-profit organizations, like Nashville Metro Public Schools, American Heart Association and the National Dairy Council, have enhanced this mission and opportunity to reach out to America's youth.  Since the NFL's Play 60 inception, the NFL has committed more than $100 million to youth health and fitness through programming, media time for public service announcements and grants from Titans Owner K.S. "Bud" Adams' Jr., and his fellow NFL owners and players.  For more information about the NFL's Play 60 campaign please visit


On behalf of dairy farm families, the non-profit Southeast United Dairy Industry Association, Inc. (SUDIA) works with schools and health professionals to promote Fuel Up To Play 60 (FUTP60) in the schools. This school wellness program provided locally by the Southeast Dairy Association and the Tennessee Titans is helping to make wellness part of the game plan in Tennessee Schools.  The program helps encourage students to  "fuel up" with nutrient-rich foods often missing from their diets and to "get active and play" 60 minutes daily.   Learn more at  For more dairy information, visit or click here to connect with SUDIA on Facebook.


The American Heart Association is a national voluntary health agency whose mission is to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. To find out how to help kids live heart-healthy lives, visit To learn more about your heart health and what you can do about it, take the "Life's Simple 7" quiz at


Tennessee State Parks was established through legislation in 1937, and those laws, with modifications and additions over the years, remain the framework for park operations today.

The primary purpose of state parks is to conserve natural, aesthetic, cultural, and historic resources, to provide opportunities for enjoying healthful outdoor recreation and to serve as outdoor classrooms for environmental and cultural resource education.

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