(on if it was a long day waiting through the draft process)
Oh yeah, real long day, woke early, and you know, basically waiting.
(on if he's disappointed his selection took so long)
No, I am not disappointed. I mean it happens the way it happens for a reason. I'm just excited to get out there and compete, play football.
(on how he would describe himself as a player)
Actually, I am a pretty good all-around player. I do bring wood and that's probably one of the best things I like to do is punish somebody with the ball.
(on if he's looking to improve on pass coverage as he moves to the NFL)
Well, actually I want to improve on everything. But, of course, that is something (pass defense) I actually work on as well as other aspects of the game.
(on if he felt like he did a good job of being around the ball)
I always hustle to the ball, you know what I mean, good things happen. I always keep that in my mind when I am out there.
(on describing the play that is posted on You Tube making a tackle on a running back)
That was my junior year. It had to do with timing and the play happened.
(on what it was like playing for Coach Bo Pelini)
He is real intense, but it's fun. He is a family-oriented guy. He makes us all feel like one big family. We can go to him for anything outside of football with him. It was real nice. I wouldn't change it.
(on opponents having less than 50 percent completion rate against the Nebraska defense)
Just assignments, just being assignment sound, you know what I mean. Our game plan is setup for us to stop them. If we do our part on the field, it should be like that all the time.
(on if he knew a lot about Titans free agent signee Bernard Pollard)
Oh yeah, I have been watching him for quite some time.
(on if his play is similar to Bernard Pollard's and if he expects to take advantage of the opportunity to learn from him) I guess you can say something like that. Of course, I am going to try and get under his wing and see if he can show me the ropes about the next level and go from there.