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Cheerleader Auditions: Frequently Asked Quesitons

Are there any age requirements? You must be 18 years of age by May 5, 2007 in order to tryout. In addition, you need to be either graduating high school in May 2007 or have already graduated by that time.

Are there any dance requirements?
No. Although most members of the current Titans Cheerleading Squad have dance experience, anybody can try out to be a Titans Cheerleader.

What should I wear to the audition?
Dance wear-be creative. We ask only that you use your own discretion.

Do I need a head shot for the preliminary auditions?
No. A head shot is not necessary for the prelim audition. Should you make it to finals, only at that point will we require you to submit a head shot.

If I make it to the finals, what will I need?
You will need a Professional Resume, and if applicable you may also submit an Entertainment resume. We will also require a head shot for only for the final auditions.

Where can I find out more information?
Aside from attending the Pre-Audition Early Bird Workshop, the website will always be updated to include the latest information. We urge you to attend the Workshop as it will give you strong insight into what it will take to succeed.

If I attend the Pre-Audition Workshop, do I have to pay an additional $15 to tryout?
No. Included in the Pre-Audition Workshop package is the audition fee. Thus, you only need to pay the $35 Pre-Audition Workshop fee.

What if I do not attend the Pre-Audition Workshop, and I want to try out?

The tryout fee is $15, and covers prelims as well as finals in the event you make it. Although we very strongly recommend submitting your application and fee ASAP, there will be a walk-in registration desk at the site.

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