NASHVILLE – His 2020 season over, Derrick Henry was in already offseason workout mode a few weeks back, preparing for what's ahead.
But the Titans running back stopped in his tracks when he saw a heartbreaking story on his Twitter feed, and he wanted to do something to help.
The beneficiary: Nashville firefighter Jeremy Taylor, a Titans season ticket member and father of four daughters who lost his new home to a large fire recently.
Taylor was surprised at his fire station last week with $15,000 donation -- $10,000 from Henry's 'Two All' Foundation, along with a $5,000 contribution from Campbell's Chunky Soup.
The good deed was prompted by Henry, who took a screenshot of the Twitter post on the story and asked a member of the Titans organization how he could help.
"I saw the tweet and I was just touched by it, losing a home is such a tragic occurrence," Henry said. "Not only did I see the tweet but I saw that he was a Titans fan and also a first responder. Nashville has been through so much as a community – the tornado, the pandemic going on, and then the Christmas bombing. I just wanted to be able to help someone in need and someone who has been helping everyone else throughout this pandemic."

Taylor and his family were not in their new home at the time of the early morning explosion and fire on January 30, but they'd moved all their belonging into the White Bluff residence and were preparing to move in after finishing a checklist at the home they'd recently sold.
Taylor, his wife Lauren and their daughters, ages 13, 12, 11, and 8, lost everything in the fire.
"I thank God we weren't home, and nobody got hurt," Taylor said.
Taylor said it's been an emotional time. He's been buoyed by the support of friends, and fellow firefighters.
Then came the act of kindness from Henry, and Campbell's.

When Taylor got to work last Wednesday, he got a big surprise. After watching a video message from Henry, who explained why he wanted to help, Taylor also received a signed No.22 jersey from the NFL's Offensive Player of the Year in 2020. Titans cheerleaders and others from the organization were on hand for the check presentation.
"I am blessed, very blessed," Taylor said. "(This) has definitely been a blessing to my family. I am very overwhelmed. I don't know what to say."
Henry said he was more than willing to help.
"I was just touched by what I had seen about Jeremy and his family on Twitter, and just wanted to do anything I could to help them," Henry said. "I'm very thankful to be able to have Campbell's come in as well to try to help Jeremy and his family. Just touched by his family and wanted to help Jeremy in his own time of need."