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Head Coach Matt Eberflus


Opening Statement: "We got out of the locker room briefly ago. I told the guys how proud I was of them. During half time they were great, they looked at each other in the eyes and looked at each other and said, 'We got this.' That's a different attitude and culture we've developed over here the last couple of year. The guys did a nice job in the second half. Blocking that punt was a big spark. Hardy did an awesome job with that and JO (DB Jonathan Owens, a really nice play there. Then the defense with the three turnovers in the fourth quarter. An excellent job there, one of them returned for a touchdown. I thought the first half the defense didn't play about as well as we're used to, but I did think in the second half we made some good adjustments and did a nice job. I thought kickoff cover did a nice job, a good job of setting the field. A new situation for everybody, I thought guys did a nice job using technique, working really hard on that. They made some really good tackles. You could see our hustle, not only on special teams, both our cover teams, punt team and kickoff. The extra effort. There were times where the first guy would miss but you saw guys that were in pursuit being able to get there. We're going to get some turnovers on those particular groups as well as we go forward. In terms of the offense, you know, I told the guys this many weeks ago, we need to play well around Caleb, and we've got to continue to do that. So we're going to look at everything there in terms of the operation. I thought the operation was good. I know we had one delay. But, again, he's going to get keep getting better every single week. As he does that, as a rookie quarterback -- because I think he's the first guy to win since like 2002, 0-14-1, I believe -- and that's because the team around him played better in the second half. We said, you need to keep doing that as he grows and develops because he is a talent. He's smart as a whip and knows the offense. And we've just got to keep playing well around him as he grows and reinvests and improves. He's going to learn a lot these first three, four games in terms of the NFL looks and speed, and all the things we have to do. With that I'll open it up to questions."

On running no-huddle in the second half:

"I think sometimes when you struggle on offense, I think it's a pace thing. You just try to get them going. He likes that, I think he's very natural doing that, going fast and doing the no huddle. I think he operates best that way. He's exhibited that in practice. Not to say we're always going to do that, but it's certainly a way to be able to spark the offense a little bit."

On if Williams 'struggles were related to anxiety in his first NFL game':

"I don't think there was any anxiety. He was calm, cool and collected the whole time. Never got frustrated. We always talk to him about the response you have of just hanging in there, because sometimes it can get rough on both sides. It can get rough. You've just got to hang in there. You've got to have that belief -- the belief in the man next to you, belief in your teammates. It's not just about one guy. That's what I saw at halftime. They exhibited that the second half."

On the sack that resulted in a loss of 19 yards:

"There was no communication. I believe their D-lineman just busted through the block we had for him and created the pressure there. I know Caleb tried to get rid of it because we were in the kick line there. I think they just went for a fourth down before that, I believe. But yeah, he's got to do a good job of getting rid of that. Again, I thought the D lineman made a nice play."

On OL Nate Davis and OL Ryan Bates rotating:

"That was the plan. Both guys were dealing with health issues during training camp. We wanted to make sure they could finish the game. So we were going two and two there."

On how aggressive they were 'coming after Titans QB Will Levis':

"As you look at the game, when you look at how people are doing things, in terms of their protection, people they have in the game, so on and so forth, then you look at situations and you go to your card and look and see what's the best thing to attack that. We always do that. That's just what you saw today."

On if he 'envisioned leaning on the defense' with a rookie quarterback:

"Yeah, when you start a rookie quarterback, which we are doing, he's going to have ups and downs and good moments and other moments. Like I said, we just have to play well around him, make sure the operation's clean, make sure we don't turn the ball over and give people short fields and free plays. And it's okay to end the series with a kick. So as long as we end it with a punt, end with extra point or field goal -- and like I said, Cairo did an awesome job today of doing that and making his kicks. The operation was good. We have a new long snapper and short snapper. I thought it was a good operation today for those guys."

On 'what he saw' from DL Darrell Taylor:

"Energy. Straight energy. He brings it every single day. I love his passion. He fits in right with our guys, and it was great. He's been great in the building. What a great pro, taking advantage of everybody that we utilized in the building because we have a great staff in terms of performance, strength staff, everybody we have in the building. He's been doing great. He fit right in, and I had a short meeting with him, told him about us and how we operate and he loved it. So, it's good that he's here."

On if the 'formula of winning on the defense' could carry the team until things 'click' for Williams:

"I know in the NFL that every week's different. There will be times where the games ebb and flow, they really do. You've just got to be good as a team. It's never about just one side or one person. It's about us being able to figure it out during the game and figure out our winning formula for that particular day, and that could change. Once you get a solidified quarterback that's a seasoned veteran, it becomes clear how you operate and how you do things. We've seen all those guys in the past. Our guy's very talented. Again, this is his first game. He's going to continue to get better."

On if he 'foresees more opportunities for WR Velus Jones:

"I was proud of Velus Jones. I really was. I know that wasn't what he wanted, obviously. I thought we responded well on defense knowing he held them to three points in that particular case. So that's what we call sudden change. That's how we operate. But he did a nice job coming in at the halfback position, did a nice job getting north. I thought he did well. We'll evaluate in terms of kick return as we go."

On 'what about Williams' gives him confidence 'that he will bounce back':

"Just the character, the man he is. He has belief in himself. He's comfortable in his own skin. He's got teammates that believe in him and trust him and know him and that he can lean in on as we go through this week and get better. That's what we're going to do this week."

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