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DT Teair Tart


(on the goal line stand and his penetration)

Walk you through the play? Shoot. I was just going out there just trying to help my team any way possible. My mindset was just go out there and make a play for the team.

(on having an impact on the game on the fourth-down play)

How important is it to me, just doing the little things for the team being so selfless. Like whatever helps. Whatever I need to do, whatever I can do to help the team win this. It's my motto, man.

(on if that play felt like it was a critical moment in the game)

Oh yeah. It was a big momentum swing for the team, them going for it on fourth down and me coming out there and making a play. It was a big momentum swing, so felt like it was a crucial moment in the game to help the team build momentum, bring some positive energy to our sideline.

(on if he bumped knuckles with Head Coach Mike Vrabel on the sideline afterward)

Yeah. I give him those little fists.

(on what Head Coach Mike Vrabel said about that)

His knuckle going to be a little sore for a while.

(on Head Coach Mike Vrabel praising his performance and saying from the start that that his potential to be a contributor is there)

It means the world, especially coming from a small school, being a free agent, not having a large amount of opportunities to play in this league. I had very few teams looking at me but coming from the coaching staff, took a chance on a young guy from Philly. I mean it's a blessing, man. Feel honored, especially the praise they give me, man, it just speaks volumes.

(on what keeps his relentless attitude despite facing adversity)

What keeps me plugging? Just my family. Just wanting better for my future, you know, for my family. Coming from JUCO, it was a lot of adversity. I just had to stick to a positive mindset, be extremely resilient. So I'd say the thing that's kept me going the most is definitely my family and my brother.

(on if the struggles makes the good times sweeter)

Yes, for sure. Makes everything a lot more sweeter. Losing my brother, you know, going to school in New York, you know, going to school in Iowa. Valley Forge Military, Mississippi. You know, it's all experience that you come to learn from. You take a little something from each and every place you've been and you try to apply it to your life.

(on how good it was for the defense to get the forced fumble and score on the recovery)

It's very important. It's a huge momentum swing. Like I said earlier, it's an energy bringer. Brings a lot of momentum to our sideline. Everybody is up. Everybody is super energetic. You love seeing plays like that. It's an energy bringer for sure.

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