I thought it was a neat experience. Glad to be out there with our team and see something that I know a lot of people drove a long way to get here to see, and we got to see it together. It was an incredible experience.
(on who chose the music for the viewing party)
Anthony (Pastrana). I asked him to put a soundtrack together. I think he picked out some pretty good tunes.
(on watching his players experience the eclipse)
I like the way our team is. They're all laying on their backs, watching this thing. It's a cool experience after a pretty good physical practice.
(on the viewing experience for the eclipse)
Definitely. Everybody was instructed to be safe with the glasses. It was really good, it was better than I thought it was going to be.
(on if he had to remind any players during practice not to look directly at the sun)
No, I made it pretty clear this morning in the team meetings to keep those on.
(on what the fine was for not wearing the protective glasses)
A burned retina.
(on the change in weather prior to the eclipse)
It actually started to cool off. It was like dawn almost, it was a little eerie with the weather.
(on if the players had to run laps in practice)
No, we took a little break just to give them a break before the last team period. They started talking about it, but when we went to the team period we got a lot of good work. They're locked in.
(on if today's practice was designed specifically to give players the opportunity to look up)*
No, we were rolling with our practice and all the periods we had going. It's hard to control what they're doing when they're off to the side, but I think they're pretty well aware not to do that. They know the dangers of it.
(on if punt return drills were scheduled specifically during the time of the eclipse)
No, it wasn't planned that way. We knew the time frame of it. That's typically when we're going to do it.
(on wide receiver Tajaé Sharpe returning to practice)
I was pretty impressed with him. We worked him out this morning again one more time for safety measures and to make sure we were making the right decision bringing him off. He worked out great. I'm anxious to see how he responds to this practice. He took a number of reps, but I'm pretty pleased.
(on where Tajaé Sharpe will fall in the lineup)
One thing, he's got to get in football shape and the best way to do that is to be out here. The way we condition by going to the ball every play, that's the best way to get in shape. You can run all you want on a treadmill, but there's nothing like being out here.
(on what Tajaé Sharpe's presence does for the rest of the team)
Just more competition out there. It's good to have him back. Another big body out there, especially with where we're at with some of our injures, we could use some help outside.
(on if Tajaé Sharpe will have to work his way back up the ladder)
I think he has to work his way back into doing things. It's been a while, you're talking about 12 weeks, since he's done anything with our offense. We're not going to throw him right into a big pitch count, a lot of reps. He's going to ease into these practices. He'll probably play, not a lot on Sunday. I think it's getting him back into the groove with not just the offense, but the conditioning like I said.
(on if wide receiver Corey Davis will return to practice this week)*
No, I'm not sure where the fourth game came in, but we're being smart with him. It's a day-by-day thing. I think he's in a good position right now. I don't know when that day is, I wish I could tell you that, I wish he knew. We'll be overly cautious with him. We want him for the regular season games.
(on if DeMarco Murray and Karl Klug are still on the same timeline to return from injury)
They came out doing a little more than they've been doing. Now they get a rest day tomorrow and come back out here Wednesday and see where they are. I'm pretty encouraged by both of them.
(on the fans that won the auction calling a running play for quarterback Marcus Mariota)
I think after you've watched him play and seen some of the things that he's done with his legs, I think you'd have to be pretty convinced that he's back to full strength. We believe that. It's not even a discuss when we are deciding the plays and calling the plays. We're calling them because he's in, so we trust him that he's healthy.
(on if the receivers will all be healthy by the start of the regular season)
You're hoping for that, that's the plan. That's the plan right now. I think we'll be close. Corey (Davis) will probably be the guy that will be a question mark whether he is or not, but I think we should have everybody else back by then.
(on if any defensive lineman have stuck out during camp)
There is. Jimmy Staten, thought he played a good game. He had a big play for us with the fumble recovery there at the end to basically win the game. He's moving up the ladder. We've got some good young talent there that we're pleased with.
(on what he looks for in the third game of the preseason)
There's more planning on both sides. They, like us, will have a full week to plan against each other. You're not going to show what you're going to do regular season wise, but you've got more time to scheme against what they do. And your starters will play more than they have in the first two.
(on if the short week next week will impact game-planning for the fourth preseason game)
Not really, I don't think so. We're going to treat it just like a Sunday-to-Thursday game that we have during the regular season, so they should be recovered, everybody. Play time for that will be discussed next week.
(on if linebacker Jayon Brown and cornerback Kalan Reed have stood out during camp)
I'd say that. Kalan (Reed) has played a lot of snaps, probably played the most snaps on defense for us in this preseason. He's been very effective. Getting a lot of safety snaps, which is new to him. I think he's been good there. Jayon (Brown) has shown that he can be an every-down player for you. Big play with the interception, obviously. Being where he's supposed to be and athletic ability to make that play kind of shows you what he's all about.
Titans players take in the solar eclipse following Monday's practice at Saint Thomas Sports Park. (Photos: Gary Glenn, Schenk Photography)