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Coach Fisher's Saturday Training Camp Report


(on if guys need to take Sunday to recover)

**Well, we need to recover.  That has kind of been the emphasis this week; to go hard and take whatever allotted time there is to get your body back.  We've finished exactly a week of practice and I think we're just okay.  Next week is going to be real important to us, but I think overall physically we're good, we've got some guys who are getting close to getting back on the field and they'll benefit from their rest.

*(on if camp having less physical altercations between players is cause for concern)

There are some tempers flying and there has been some pushing and shoving, but it's expensive when you fight on the field during training camp.  Fines increase every year so maybe that has something to do with it.

(on what tomorrow's plan is since the players have it off from practice)

**We're going to meet tomorrow, but we will not be on the field tomorrow.

(on what he told the team after practice in a team huddle)

**What I tell the team in the huddles is often times…confidential.

(on if he has a feel for this year's defensive line with Tony Brown and Derrick Morgan being injured)

**I think we're in good shape.  We're going to make the assumption that Derrick is going to return and Tony is going to return with ample time before the season starts.  Our front is playing pretty good, Sen's (Sen'Derrick Marks) coming on, Jacob (Ford) is nicked a little bit now, but Will (Hayes), Jovan (Haye) and Jacob are all doing well.  We'll have a lot of competition, there will be some tough decisions we'll have to make there, but when it's all said and done and the dust settles, we'll have a good rotation.

(on how the younger guys handled the live periods)

**It was good.  They were aware of it, they knew it was coming.  We structured practice for the most part to kind of give them a break.  In the last period and they were slow, sluggish and tired but we'll see some good things, I'm sure, on the tape.

(on what is stressed to the players going into a live period)

**We don't dwell on it.  You just protect each other and you go hard, you don't practice worrying about injuries.

(on the status of Cortland Finnegan's injury)

**He participated in 7-on-7 today, he'll be fine.

(on if there are too many flags from the officials for his liking)

**I'm asking for them.  Its little things, we work really hard on the hard count and it pays off.  Unless you work on it, you don't get the results you want during the regular season on both sides of the ball.  We clearly have to get better defensively; our numbers were unacceptable last year.  But you have to work on it, and in that process you pay the price at times because there are mistakes.

(on when they will start preparing for Seattle next week)

**Wednesday or Thursday.

(on what he's seen from Michael Griffin thus far)

**Yeah, he's been great all offseason.  His attendance has been great, his focus has been great, he's got things a little settled down and he's just a free safety right now and that's what he needs to be.

(on being concerned that Derrick Morgan and Damian Williams are still injured)

**Oh, there is great concern, but we can't dwell on it.  They'll get back when they're able to and we'll get them caught up as quick as we can, but they're missing valuable reps.

(on whether having Michael Griffin, Cortland Finnegan and Chris Hope helps when figuring out who will start at the other cornerback spot)

**Yeah it does.  Because they're settled, they communicate and the guys who are competing at the other spot understand what is expected from them from a communication standpoint.  In a sense there is stability, continuity with those three spots.  It makes it easier to understand for the fourth spot.

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