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Ask Jim: Titans Face Colts in Big AFC South Contest





It's crunch time in the NFL.

The Titans improved to 5-5 last week with a win over the Packers. On Sunday, they'll face the Colts in a critical AFC South contest.

There's plenty to talk about, and write about.

Right now, we're going to hit that mailbag.

Joel Rohm from Yuba City CA

Question: Hey Jim. I have to admit, I've never been more embarrassed to be a Titans fan than I was during that San Diego game. But, after that dismantling of Green Bay I couldn't be more proud. I was actually in Nashville visiting family during both games, but after the loss to San Diego I couldn't bring myself to go to the Green Bay game because of the mood that the Titans losing puts me in! I am a bit superstitious, so of course I feel like if I had gone to the game they wouldn't have won so you're welcome fellow Titans fans! (I kid). Anyways I just wanted to remind all Titans fans to VOTE FOR ALL OF OUR TITANS FOR THE PRO BOWL! EVERY VOTE COUNTS SO VOTE AS MANY TIMES AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN! TITAN UP

Jim: Hey Joel. Appreciate the email, and the passion. I have to say, that Chargers game hardly qualified as an embarrassment though. How quickly you have forgotten the 59-0 loss to the Patriots, and the 55-7 loss against the Packers. Now, those were some real low points. But enough about the ugly losses. The bounce-back win against the Packers was nice, and good job by you for staying away. :)

Good reminder on the Pro Bowl vote. Some guys are definitely worthy.

Brooks Severson from Wayne, PA

Question: Jim! Currently, I am deployed with the military and have been live streaming all of the games this year. It's been fun and aggravating to watch this year considering how close we have been in every game we have lost.  Anywho, are the Titans looking at going defense in the draft?  I know we possess two first-round picks next year.  Will they go with a legitimate deep threat?  Or will they go with a combination of CB/WR in the first round?

Jim: Hey Brooks. Thanks for you service, and for the question. I think you're right on with the possibility of CB/WR being early picks. How early? Well, that remains to be seen. But I think they'll be hit in the offseason. Let's not forget free agency comes first, so that could change the draft plan. It will be interesting. Take care.

Shane Bratkowski from Columbia, MO

Question: Hi Jim. Please help me identify the song played at the 2 min. warning of the Packers game. It had our entire defensive line grooving on the sidelines, and me as well! We are heading in the right direction. Big things ahead! Thank you and take care.

Jim: Hey Shane. Appreciate the question. The song you're referring to is "Friday" and it's from Sir Charles Jones. The players hear it every Friday in practice, so when they hear it after wins, it puts them in a good mood. A mood to dance, you might say.

Nancy Hall from Lebanon, TN

Question: The play calling for the Packers game was magnificent - yet seemed a little different than previous games.  OC Terry Robiskie did a wonderful job mixing plays up while being creative!  I couldn't question any of his plays - and that's unusual!  Am I the only one that saw a welcome difference?  Could it be that they were just executed extremely well?  If there was a difference what would the reason for that be?

Jim: Hey Nancy. I agree – it was a well-called game. I think the offensive staff has done a good job mixing things up, especially of late. You've seen some gadget plays mixed in as well. Of course it looks better when executed like it was as well. I just think the plan on Sunday against the Packers was to attack, attack, attack, and it sure worked, huh?

Jabari Jackson from Atwater, CA

Question: Hey Jim. I remember reading some comments from you about the receivers needing time to gel with Marcus Mariota and I thought it was Mularkey. Like what did there? But I am man enough to admit when I'm wrong. Jim Sir you are the Oracle to all things Titan football. My question this week is if we make we make the playoffs do we make it on the strength of Mariota's accuracy or the strength of Mularkey's "Exotic smashmouth" running game. Love what you do, Jim. Keep up the excellent work!

Jim: Hey Jabari. I appreciate the email, and the comments. The receivers have done a heck of a job. Rishard Matthews has six touchdowns in six games, and did you see this week's stat about the receivers? Only five dropped passes on 210 catchable passes. That's from STATS LLC, and it's a heck of a stat. Mariota's going to need to keep playing well, but the running game is going to need to be productive as well. You never know what the weather is going to be like in some of these late-season games (at Chicago and at Kansas City especially), so the smashmouth could be on full display.

Rick Davidson from Paducah, Kentucky

Question: Hey Jim. How about that flyover by the helicopters before the Packer's game? Was that the plan for them to come in so low? I bet the folks in the upper deck were about to soil their bloomers. Lol. It was great!! We are looking better. Go Titans!

Jim: Hey Rick. Man, than was cool, huh? One of the best flyovers I've seen, too!

Gregg Kotzman from Smyrna, TN


Question:No question this week, Jim. Just a comment/recommendation. If you're a Titan geek, re-watch the video "Jack's Journey" and the first two episodes of "Titan's All Access" this year. It's great to see those initial personnel discussion and reflect on where we are now.
Jim:* Good point, Gregg. For those who haven't seen "Jack's Journey" on first-round pick Jack Conklin, check it out here—>*

Chris Chapman from Hermitage, TN

Question: Hey Jim!!! Boy oh boy, Monday mornings after a victory by our relentless TITANS is sweet, but even sweeter after a beat down of a team like the Packers who make the playoffs as much as they do!!! Many so-called Titans fans have called for Marcus to be benched over the past couple of weeks. How much "crow" do you think they're having to eat now? Marcus is playing at a very high level and when I last checked there has never been a "perfect" QB in the history of the NFL. However, all of the great QB's have made many mistakes in their first couple of yrs. My faith in Marcus and our team hasn't wavered.  The personnel and players who were brought in just click and I think ownership has to be commended for that!!! We have the Colts up next. Do you think that the Titans have evolved enough over the past cpl of weeks to change the history between these 2 teams? The last game I saw a no-named TE Jack Doyle work our secondary like crazy!!! I am a fan for life and strongly believe that our team has evolved quickly and efficiently enough to take apart the Colts in their own backyard!!!! Have a good week buddy! GO TITANS!!!!

Jim: Hey Chris. Appreciate the email. Things are definitely looking up, but there's plenty of work to do. Six games to go, including a big one this Sunday vs. the Colts.

Kenny Gore from Horse Cave, KY

Question: Hello Jim. Thanks for publishing my Marcus rant last week.....Thanks to Marcus even more for proving my point this week!!!

My question this week, as usual, comes with a statement. GM Jon Robinson has done an astounding job with this roster. Even moves that appeared to be "Nothing to get excited about" E.G: Trading for Dennis Kelly (HIGHLY questioned by media & fans as we gave up DGB), Picking up Josh Kline off waivers, and bringing in low key contributors like Sean Spence, Antwon Blake, & Brice McCain. Blake has been big on ST IMO.... Kline has been a HUGE sign IMO. Not only did we have a guy ready to play when Warmack went down; IMO he has been a BIG upgrade. Dennis Kelly came in to play a critical position in a critical game. From what I saw he was very much prepared to play LT & played at a very high level.

My question: Does any GM have a chance of beating out Robinson for Exec of the Year........From the start of his tenure Robinson had a plan. He implemented it & is building a roster around what his HC & he wanted the identity of the team to be. Starting with a trade for Murray. A mere swap of 4th round picks for a RB who is already over 1,000yds from scrimmage. A BLOCKBUSTER trade for the #1 pick getting huge return. Trading for Dennis Kelly (See above), Picking up Kline off waivers (See above), and picking guys who are contributing above their draft status: Sharpe, Henry(IMO), Byard, & Even Conklin....I say Conklin because even though he was drafted high in the 1st, I do not think there has been a better RT in the league this year. He nailed that pick! I think he traded away #1 for a boatload & STILL got the guy he wanted & we NEEDED. I have been one of the most vocal guys in the Titans fan base questioning the hiring of Mularkey. I was not happy with the hiring or search. I have always said, "I will give him a chance, but I do not believe he is the man for the job. If I am wrong, I will be happy & admit it.".........I think at this point I must admit I was wrong. Mularkey has had a great year. I am not happy with some of the results, but I cannot deny the man has made a huge difference in this team. I believe Robinson has made his job MUCH easier. However, the attitude of this team has changed immensely!! From this day forward I will not question his process. I may not be happy with every decision he makes, but I WILL support him. He asked for a chance to earn it. I feel like at this point; he has.

As always keep up the great work & don't let up on these "Ask Jim" articles. I love them. It is a great outlet for fans to communicate with part of the team!!

Jim: *Hey Kenny. You're hitting these out of the park. Robinson has done a heck of a job, and you make a great case for him here as well. And Mularkey does deserve props, too. Guys have bought in to what he is preaching. Things are definitely headed in the right direction. But it's crunch time. Robinson and Mularkey know there's work to be done. It continues on Sunday in Indianapolis.

Have a great weekend everyone! looks back at the all-time series with the Indianapolis Colts. (AP Photos)

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